
NASA | Thermonuclear Art

Adults Photography
It's always shining, always ablaze with light and energy. In the ubiquity of solar output, Earth swims in an endless tide of particles. Every time half of the Earth faces the Sun, we experience the brightness of daytime, the Sun's energy and light driving weather, biology and more.

I Have OCD. This Is What It's Like to Be in My Mind for 3 Minutes.

Adults Photography
For those who wonder what it's like to have OCD. It's not just being very organized.

Nikon coolpix P900 83x optical zoom

Adults Photography
Watch it move...

The Most Important Science Images Ever

Adults Photography
One picture can change the world.

Frans Lanting: Photos that give voice to the animal kingdom

Adults Photography
Nature photographer Frans Lanting uses vibrant images to take us deep into the animal world. In this short, visual talk he calls for us to reconnect with other earthly creatures, and to shed the metaphorical skins that separate us from each other.

The Fear That Everything Has Already Been Done

Adults Photography
The frustration of photographing something amazing when thousands of identical photos already exist-the same sunset, the same waterfall, the same curve of a hip, the same closeup of an eye-which can turn a unique subject into something hollow and pulpy and cheap, like a mass-produced piece of furniture you happen to have assembled yourself.

What Does Sound Look Like?

Adults Photography
You can actually see sound waves as they travel through the air thanks to a clever photographic trick.


Adults Photography
Getting tossed around by shore break and slammed into the sand day after day is a rough go; Clark little wouldn't have it any other way. in fact, for the North Shore Local, Its all in a good days work.

It's all about the Jaw!

Adults Photography
Want to look more photogenic or photograph people looking more photogenic? Peter Hurley explains how he accentuates the jawline of his clients with a few simple tips that you'll want to add to your repertoire for quick use whenever you have a human being in front of your camera.

Nature's 3D Printer: MIND BLOWING Cocoon in Rainforest

Adults Photography
What is your theory about why there are holes in the cocoon?

Watch the World's Highest Resolution Drone-Mounted Camera in Action

Adults Photography
Sure, your phone can take a decent picture, but it's not even in the same universe as the best camera the government's got. At 1.8 pixels, the DARPA-developed ARGUS-IS the highest resolution surveillance platform in the world, and, when mounted to a drone, can single-handedly do the work of an army of 100 predator drones watching the area of one medium-sized city.

Highest Resolution Machu Picchu Picture Ever Taken

Adults Photography
Have you ever made a panorama? Cool! But, have you ever made a panorama consisting of 1920 photos??? No! Check out this little behind the scenes video for such a panorama in one of the most iconic places on earth - Machu Picchu in Peru. As you will see, you're not going to take this one hand-held, and there is a bit of paper work to be done you go there. Travel through the final photo here

Camera shutter speed synchronized with helicopter blade frequency

Adults Photography
This is what happens when you sync your camera shutter to the speed of helicopter blades.

TED Ramesh Raskar: A camera that takes one trillion frames per second

Adults Photography
TED Talks Ramesh Raskar presents femto-photography, a new type of imaging so fast it shows the world one trillion frames per second, so detailed it shows light itself in motion.