
The Medical Student Trying To End Loneliness In The Elderly | Amazing Humans

Adults Wellness
This inspirational medical student Fraser takes elderly people on rickshaw rides to overcome loneliness. Mary is 89 and lives in a home, she and friend Chris are taken on rickshaw rides by Fraser to get them out and about in Aberdeen.

Why we think so much about our hair

Adults Wellness
We spend an inordinate amount of time thinking about, and in various ways 'styling' our hair. It's not entirely silly; we're trying to tell the world - through the language of keratin strands - about who we are.

The reason you feel awful when you're sick

Adults Wellness
It starts with a tickle in your throat that becomes a cough. Your muscles begin to ache, you grow irritable, and you lose your appetite. It's official: you've got the flu. It's logical to assume that this miserable medley of symptoms is the result of the infection coursing through your body - but is that really the case? Marco A. Sotomayor explains what's actually making you feel sick.

The power of the placebo effect

Adults Wellness
The placebo effect is an unexplained phenomenon wherein drugs, treatments, and therapies that aren't supposed to have an effect - and are often fake - miraculously make people feel better. What's going on? Emma Bryce dives into the mystery of placebos' bizarre benefits.

Science of Laser Hair Removal in SLOW MOTION

Adults Wellness
Special thanks to Laser Away in Santa Monica for helping make this happen - your staff was awesome!

Why sitting is bad for you

Adults Wellness
Sitting down for brief periods can help us recover from stress or recuperate from exercise. But nowadays, our lifestyles make us sit much more than we move around. Are our bodies built for such a sedentary existence?

14 Ways Technology has Made our Lives Better

Adults Wellness
A weekly show where knowledge junkies get their fix of trivia-tastic information. This week, John looks at some of the ways technology has improved our lives.

Why Am I Tired?

Adults Wellness
Why do we feel so tired all the time? Hannah Fry looks at the reasons modern life might be exhausting us, from irregular bedtimes to blue lights from our phones.