
Does Sound Affect Taste?

Adults Food
Greg foot creates an experiment from his kitchen to see if the sounds we listen to can affect the way we taste things.

The science of spiciness

Adults Food
When you take a bite of a hot pepper, your body reacts as if your mouth is on fire -- because that's essentially what you've told your brain! Rose Eveleth details the science and history behind spicy foods, giving insights into why some people continue to pay the painful price for a little spice.

Eggless omelette

Adults Food
She's definitely the "smartest" waitress you have ever met.

This Spinning Chocolate Cake Will Certainly Make Your Day

Adults Food
Isn't this an amazing display?

Slick Food Ad

Adults Food
Who else is getting hungry right now?

How to Peel a Kiwi or Mango

Adults Food
This is so simple but handy! Brilliant!

Your Brain On Coffee

Adults Food
How does the world's favourite drug actually work?

Watch This Puppy Leap And Jump In Slow Motion Will Brighten Your Day

Adults Food
The Slow Mo Guys employ the help of the Rise-monger's dog in this extremely fluffy video.

6 Fruits You're Eating Wrong

Adults Food
You'll never look at watermelons the same again!

Here's Why You Should Never Thaw Your Frozen Steaks Before Cooking

Adults Food
You may find out that you've been cooking steaks wrong your entire life.

Inglorious Fruits and Vegetables

Adults Food
Fruits and veggies are good for you, but many can't afford to buy them regularly. On the other hand, tons of "ugly" produce is thrown away everyday. French supermarket Intermarche found a way to reconcile these ugly truths.

Turkish Ice Cream Man

Adults Food
This Turkish ice cream man has gotten the act of trolling down to an art. His tricks combined with his delicious ice cream always attract a crowd in Istanbul.

The Way You've Been Cutting Cake Is Wrong. Here's The Best Way To Do It.

Adults Food
Okay, I have some good news and some bad news. The bad news is: you've spent your entire life cutting cake the wrong way. The good news is: the right way, which you can learn how to do below, will help keep your cake from getting stale before you're through enjoying it!

Fast Food ADS vs. REALITY Experiment

Adults Food
Fast food generally doesn't look anything like its ads, so YouTuber Greg Benson decided to head to fast food chains to see if they could actually make food look like the pictures. You will be surprised they did so well on the second try.

The Barbecue Book

Adults Food
The Barbecue Book takes readers through the entire barbecue process. There is a page in the book that is made of charcoal while other pages are a firestarter, apron, knife sharpener and fan. Each chapter of the bible covers a different grilling process and comes with everything including a cutting board which serves as the cover for the book.

Why is ketchup so hard to pour?

Adults Food
Ever go to pour ketchup on your fries...and nothing comes out? Or the opposite happens, and your plate is suddenly swimming in a sea of red? George Zaidan describes the physics behind this frustrating phenomenon, explaining how ketchup and other non-Newtonian fluids can suddenly transition from solid to liquid and back again.

The chemistry of cookies

Adults Food
You stick cookie dough into an oven, and magically, you get a plate of warm, gooey cookies. Except it's not magic; it's science. Stephanie Warren explains via basic chemistry principles how the dough spreads out, at what temperature we can kill salmonella, and why that intoxicating smell wafting from your oven indicates that the cookies are ready for eating.