
The Best Hearing on Earth | Because Science Live

Adults Data Science
Do humans have the best hearing on earth?

How Small Is An Atom? Spoiler: Very Small.

Adults Data Science
Atoms are very weird. Wrapping your head around exactly how weird, is close to impossible - how can you describe something that is SO removed from humans experience? But then again, they kind of make up everything, so let us try anyways.

Why we really really really like repetition in music

Adults Data Science
It slays all day.

How Will You Die?

Adults Data Science
Science, statistics and lifestyle can help predict how you will die!

Why you shouldn't drive slowly in the left lane

Adults Data Science
Can we all agree that the left lane is for passing, please?

Is Most Published Research Wrong?

Adults Data Science
Mounting evidence suggests a lot of published research is false.

Where Do Your Texts Go?

Adults Data Science
How the hell does cellphone technology work?

Is Big Data Getting Too Big?

Adults Data Science
Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think

Why are some people left-handed?

Adults Data Science
Today, about one-tenth of the world's population are southpaws. Why are such a small proportion of people left-handed -- and why does the trait exist in the first place? Daniel M. Abrams investigates how the uneven ratio of lefties and righties gives insight into a balance between competitive and cooperative pressures on human evolution.

Why Are Some People Left-Handed?

Adults Data Science
We've got two perfectly good hands attached to two perfectly good arms, so why do most people prefer to use one over the other for common tasks?

These Amazing Energy Facts Will Blow Your Mind

Adults Data Science
1 calorie = 4.2 joules, wait what?!

13 Misconceptions About Global Warming

Adults Data Science
Watch this if you're willing to accept some shocking facts about climate change.