
How far would you have to go to escape gravity?

Adults Space
Every star, black hole, human being, smartphone and atom are all constantly pulling on each other due to one force: gravity.

What is Farthest Away?

Adults Space
The edge of everything used to be the edge of the map. But now, thanks to what we know about astrophysics and the universe, the edge of everything might not even exist…

Astronauts Read Popular Kids Books From Space

Teachers Space
Take story time up a notch with your students and kids with this great experience of astronauts reading popular kids books from space.

Could the Earth be swallowed by a black hole?

Adults Space
From asteroids capable of destroying entire species to supernovae that could exterminate life on Earth, outer space has no shortage of forces that could wreak havoc on our planet.

How We Could Build a Moon Base TODAY

Adults Space
Did you know that we could start building a Lunar Base today?

What If You Never Washed Your Hands?

Adults Space
Do we need to wash our hands all the time?

What is the universe expanding into?

Adults Space
The universe began in a Big Bang nearly fourteen billion years ago, and has been expanding ever since. But how does the universe expand and what is it expanding into?

The AMAZING Design of the Parker Solar Probe

Adults Space
Dustin tells about the Parker Solar Probe on Smarter Every Day

This Is How Aliens Might Contact Us

Adults Space
Could Aliens Be Trying To Contact Earth Without Us Knowing?

Wormholes Explained - Breaking Spacetime

Adults Space
Are wormholes real or are they just magic disguised as physics and maths? And if they are real how do they work and where can we find them?

How Hot Could It Actually Get?

Adults Space
What's the hottest it could possibly get in our solar system? Maybe we'll look deeper into the universe next.

What Would It Take For Earth To Explode?

Adults Space
The Death Star could destroy a planet, but what are some realistic ways it could happen.

What If You Fell From Space to Earth?

Adults Space
If you fell from space, what would happen to your body?

The Cosmic Origins of Earth's Water

Adults Space
Why is Earth is a blue planet? Because it's covered in water! Where did Earth's water come from?

The Black Hole Bomb and Black Hole Civilizations

Adults Space
What is a Black Hole Civilization?

Amazing Earth Facts To Blow Your Mind

Adults Space
We live in a beautiful world, and these amazing facts will blow your mind.

The Brown Dwarf Debate

Adults Space
This video is about the line between Brown dwarfs and gas giant planets (aka super Jupiter's): does it exist?