
The Delightful Dance of Hummingbirds | The Wild Place | Relax with Nature | BBC Earth

In the Atlantic Rainforest of Argentina and Brazil, hummingbirds gather around flowers in a spectacular dance.

Hippos Eating Watermelon | Magic of Disney's Animal Kingdom

Tequila the Hippo enjoys a watermelon snack on a summer day.

rimitive Technology: Decarburization of iron and forging experiments

I took a brittle, high carbon/iron alloy (cast iron) made from local ore and used a decarburization method to reduce it's carbon content making it malleable and forged it flat by hammering.

The Weird Sex Lives of Bluegills

When it comes to the mating game, fish have some of the strangest ways of thwarting the competition.

If You're Sleepy And You Know It

It's time to close our eyes and sleep. Wind down to a soothing bedtime version of "If You're Happy And You Know It" with the Super Simple Puppets.

The continents are moving. When will they collide?

Dig into the science of plate tectonics to find out when the next supercontinent will emerge— and how it could affect Earth’s environment.

Why New Zealand is Finally Getting its First Subway

New Zealand is building its biggest ever transport infrastructure project.

Secrets of the Elephants

Natalie Portman narrates the upcoming four-part series where the secret lives of elephants are revealed. Executive produced by James Cameron, “Secrets of the Elephants” premieres Friday, April 21 on National Geographic.

The Race to Save Big Cats | National Geographic

Paid Content for DHL. Cheetahs are in a race for survival.

The 3 Reasons This Tree Has Lived 5000 Years

Methuselah’s environment lacks nutrients, water, and oxygen. In other words, it’s the perfect place to grow very very old.

When are you actually an adult? - Shannon Odell

Explore how scientists define adulthood, and find out if there’s a specific age at which we reach maturity.

Playtime for Young Kea Birds | Frozen Planet II | BBC Earth

For these young Kea birds, there is always time to play. This apparently carefree behaviour helps establish long-lasting relationships between the youngsters, and even diffuses tension.

How Giraffes are Fed at Disney's Animal Kingdom

It's another beautiful morning at Disney's Animal Kingdom, and it's time to visit the giraffes! Come along as the staff make sure the giraffes are well fed.

Pet Shop Breakout Sparks Chameleon Invasion

When dozens of Jackson chameleons escaped a Hawaiian pet shop in 1972, they started to wreck havoc on the local ecosystem.

Primitive Technology 0:02 / 9:21 #PrimitiveTechnology #pottery #potterywheel Primitive Technology: Pottery Wheel

I made a small pottery wheel to form pots on. A pottery wheel is a small table on which pottery is formed that is able to be rotated about an axis to form more symmetrical pots.

Life Skills Every Teen Should Know

From being flexible to standing up for yourself, it’s all here!

Intro to Geology

Geology is the study of planet Earth, its origin and evolution, its fundamental structure, the properties of minerals, rocks, and fluids of which it is composed, and the evolution of its biosphere.

The Most Extreme Explosion in the Universe

Supernovae are the most powerful explosions in the universe, unleashing enough energy to outshine galaxies. We have no real metaphor for their power – if the sun were to magically go supernova it would feel like you were being hit by the energy of a nuclear explosion, every second. For weeks.

Nugget The Potato-Loving Cat

Nugget is a cat who loves two things in life: his dad and potatoes.

4 things all great listeners know

Dig into different strategies that can improve your listening skills so you can become a high quality listener.

The world depends on a strange collection of items. They're not cheap

This government warehouse keeps our entire society up to standard.