
"Vape" Word of the year 2014

TeachersReadingTeacher CafeLanguage...
Last year it was "selfie" and in 2012 it was "GIF". Oxford University Press have chosen "vape" as this years winner. The word, which the dictionaries's blog defines as both a verb and a noun for the whole category of popular tobacco atomizing devices.

Word Bucket

TeachersReadingTeacher CafeEducation...
Word Bucket is a personal English dictionary, notebook and vocabulary learning game. Students can save all new words to their personal Bucket and learn them through tests and games.

Use Technology to Help Students Learn

TeachersTeacher CafeTechnologyEducation...
There are a lot of ways technology can help ESL students learn. Here you will discover ways to use technology in your classroom to help students further their language learning.

Inspiring students with learning disabilities to take up a language

TeachersDisabilityTeacher CafeEducation...
With a different approach, language lessons for students with special education can be inclusive, exciting and relevant. Adapting lessons so they include more visual and audio aspects could help when teaching languages to young people with learning difficulties.


TeachersReadingTeacher CafeEducation...
A vocabulary learning platform with images, games and activities for all types of classrooms. A resources for teachers and students to practice vocabulary.

Ship or Sheep?

TeachersSpeakingTeacher CafeEducation...
Pronunciation practice with minimal pairs. This website has the image, phonetic symbol and pronunciation for each word. Great practice for students of all ages.

ESL Speaking Activities

TeachersSpeakingTeacher CafeEducation...
Build your bank of resources with some free online resources for speaking practice. On this website, they have printables and projectables. Don't forget to upload your own resources to share as well.

Conversation Strategy: Asking for a Response

TeachersTeacher CafeEducationLanguage
A sample lesson plan for conversation strategy: asking for a response, is a great one to add to your files. This ESL conversation activity is for any age of learner and uses simple dialogue and conversation questions to improve conversation skills.

Podcast: Teaching Languages, Tips and Techniques

TeachersListeningTeacher CafeEducation...
Carla Arena a language educator joins Vicki Davis the @coolcatteacher in a discussion on sharing advice on teaching languages. Do you struggle with students with different learner abilities or levels in one class? - how do you handle this? Carla has some great advice.

ESL Multilevel Activities

TeachersTeacher CafeEducationLanguage
All ESL classes have multilevel students to a degree. Obviously, this can be a planning nightmare and a lot of extra work for teachers. The good news is that even extreme differences in language levels can be successfully managed so that students progress.

English Grammar Lesson: Phrasal Verbs (Part One)

AdultsSmrt LiveGrammarEducation...
Craig gives the first part of a video lesson / tutorial on the usage of phrasal verbs in English. In part one, Craig discusses separable phrasal verbs. This lesson is aimed at ESL students studying English grammar at an upper-intermediate level.

English Grammar Lesson: Participle Adjectives

AdultsSmrt LiveGrammarEducation...
Leanne gives a video lesson / tutorial on the usage of the participle (participial) adjectives. This includes an explanation about the difference between ~ing (present participle) and ~ed (past participle) forms. This lesson is aimed at ESL students studying English grammar at an upper-intermediate level.

English Grammar Lesson: Present Perfect Simple

AdultsSmrt LiveGrammarEducation...
Leanne gives a video lesson / tutorial on the usage of the Present Perfect Simple. This lesson is aimed at ESL students studying English grammar at an upper-intermediate level.

English Grammar Lesson: Present Perfect Continuous

AdultsSmrt LiveGrammarEducation...
Leanne gives a video lesson / tutorial on the usage of the Present Perfect Continuous (Progressive). This lesson is aimed at ESL students studying English grammar at an upper-intermediate level.

English Grammar Lesson: First Conditional & Time Clauses

AdultsSmrt LiveGrammarEducation...
Leanne gives a video lesson / tutorial on the usage of the First Conditional grammar rule as well as how to talk about the future with time clauses. This lesson is aimed at ESL students studying English grammar at an upper-intermediate level.

Review and the Past Simple

AdultsSmrt LiveGrammarEducation...
Mark reviews the differences between the present perfect simple and present perfect continuous and also explains the similarities and differences of the present perfect with the past simple. This video is for students at a pre-intermediate level.

Explaining Now

AdultsSmrt LiveGrammarEducation...
Leanne explains how English speakers use the present perfect simple to explain the present with finished, past actions and the present perfect continuous to describe longer, possibly unfinished actions. This lesson is for students at a pre-intermediate level.

How Long (Part 3)

AdultsSmrt LiveGrammarLanguage...
Mark describes the difference between for and since when discussing duration with the present perfect tenses. This video is for students at a pre-intermediate level.

How Long (Part 2)

AdultsSmrt LiveGrammarLanguage...
Mark explains how to use the present perfect simple and present perfect continuous to describe duration of unfinished activities. This video is for students at a pre-intermediate level.

How Long (Part 1)

AdultsSmrt LiveGrammarLanguage...
Mark explains how to use the present perfect tenses to describe duration. This video is for students at a pre-intermediate level.

Passive with the Present Perfect

AdultsSmrt LiveGrammarLanguage...
Mark explains how to make present perfect sentences in the passive voice. This video is for students at a pre-intermediate level.