
Touched by a Wild Mountain Gorilla

Adults Travel
An amazing chance encounter with a troop of wild mountain gorillas near Bwindi National Park, Uganda

How To Go To Space Explained In The Most Simple Words

Adults Travel
Do you want to go to space? Do you want to learn about bending computers and boxes that make clothes smell better and sky boats with turning wings?


Adults Travel
STA Travel sent three mates on a mission to cram 44 days, 10 countries, 38,000 miles and 18 flights into one minute of sublime travel movie making. The result? MOVE - one epic journey and the experience of a lifetime for Andy.

How to Pack a Suitcase Efficiently

Adults Travel
How to pack a suitcase. Top tips and life hacks to make packing a suitcase as quick and efficient as possible. Solve common travel problems and learn new packing solutions.

The Most Epic Safety Video Ever Made

Adults Travel
As the official airline of Middle-earth, Air New Zealand has gone all out to celebrate the third and final film in The Hobbit Trilogy - The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies. Starring Elijah Wood and Sir Peter Jackson; we're thrilled to unveil The Most Epic Safety Video Ever Made.

Packing like a Pro

Adults Travel
Me packing for my month-long trip. I've gotten a pretty solid response to this video so I have enabled comments. Thanks in advance for all the nice feedback right? :) The bag in this video is an REI Stratocruiser 22".

Time Travel

Adults Travel
3 Simple Ways to Time Travel (& 3 Complicated Ones)

European Landmarks At Night

Adults Travel
Nightvision is a celebration of the brilliance and diversity of architecture found across Europe. Over the course of three months I journeyed with a friend through 36 cities in 21 countries with the ambition of capturing some of the greatest European structures in a new and unique way. Comprised of thousands of carefully taken photographs, strung together and stabilized in post-production, Nightvision aims to inspire appreciation for these man-made landmarks.

Trek the world with Google Maps

Adults Travel
Google is now looking for applicants to help it continue to expand its Trekker efforts. Think you have what it takes?