The Addams Family Trailer
AdultsFilmListeningEntertainmentAn animated version of Charles Addams' series of cartoons about a peculiar, ghoulish family.
Jack C. Richards on Listening Comprehension
TeachersListeningTeacher CafeEducationJack C. Richards discusses top down and bottom up processing and how they affect listening comprehension.
Jellybean Scoop- Free Daily Readings
TeachersListeningTeacher CafeEducation...Jellybean Scoop provides material for different levels of accessibility. Each article provides audio and more importantly, they also provide interactive exercises for each article. It is also possible to have a class account and registration is easy to do.
National Geographic "Listen & Read" Resources
TeachersListeningReadingTeacher Cafe...National Geographic has several simple non-fiction "Listen & Read" stories, great for language learners to use in class or at home.
50 Of The Best Podcasts For Students
TeachersListeningTeacher CafePodcasts can offer practical information and advice for those in high school and university. This collection for students has four general topics to help them decide and learn more about the different fields of study.
Five- Minute Film Festival: Virtual Field Trips
TeachersListeningTeacher CafeVirtual field trips can take your class places wouldn't be logistically possible in the real world. This edutopia post showcases great options to inspire your own virtual adventures.
BAM! Radio Network
TeachersListeningTeacher CafeEducation...BAM! Radio Network is connecting the voices of the education village. Listen to several different areas of education in these radio segments. Connect, learn and subscribe to the podcast station to listen and learn more.
What Teens are Learning From 'Serial' and Other Podcasts
TeachersListeningTeacher CafeEducation...Educators have access to an enormous amount of content through the use of podcasts. Michael Godsey, an English Teacher in California made a decision to use a public radio podcast in the classroom and it was a wise one. The podcast of the murder-mystery 'Serial' was just the beginning.
Education On Tap
TeachersListeningTeacher CafeEducation...Podcast episodes brought to you by Teach For America. Informative, informal and a little fun. All meant to be conversation starters.
Netflicks Academy
TeachersListeningTeacher CafeTV...The Best Educational Videos Available for Streaming, and article by Michael J. Petrilli has been collecting the best titles in terms of education. These kid-friendly topics will please both students and parents alike.
Tips to drastically Improve Your English Listening (ESL)
TeachersListeningTeacher CafeThis article will reveal the best and most effective tips, strategies and techniques to improve your ESL student's listening ability.
Podcast: Teaching Languages, Tips and Techniques
TeachersListeningTeacher CafeEducation...Carla Arena a language educator joins Vicki Davis the @coolcatteacher in a discussion on sharing advice on teaching languages. Do you struggle with students with different learner abilities or levels in one class? - how do you handle this? Carla has some great advice.
Useful Tips for Teaching Listening Comprehension
TeachersListeningTeacher CafeEducationStudents often have difficulty in listening tasks for a variety of reasons. One of the most common problems for language learners is that they often stop listening if they hear something that they do no know. This is where teaching specific listening strategies can help develop their listening comprehension skills.