
Explore Ancient Worlds Through Art: Medusa Mirror

Youth History
It was said that Medusa, the mythical monster, could turn people to stone with just a look. So, why did the ancient Greeks put an image of her on a mirror?

Who Is The Fastest Creature In Mythology?

Youth History
Witness the clash of mythology’s speediest supernaturals in an epic race and find out which creature is the fastest.

Explore Ancient Worlds Through Art: Harp Player

Youth History
Created over 4,500 years ago, the Harp Player is an excellent example of Cycladic art and sculpture.

Should More Species Be Extinct?

Adults History
Watch these amazing rewilding videos from our friends at Planet Wild, in which they’re saving Europe’s cutest bird from extinction or resurrecting a dying forest.

Becoming An Artist: Bhajan Hunjan

Kids History
Meet Bhajan Hunjan, an artist who does huge paintings, sculptures and runs workshops for others to get creative too!

Are solar panels worth it?

Adults History
Today in many countries solar is the cheapest form of energy to produce. Millions of homes are equipped with rooftop solar, with most units paying for themselves in their first seven to 12 years and then generating further savings.

Why do some artists become famous?

Adults History
Success in the art world can mean different things to different artists. While some artists work solely for the pleasure of producing art, others seek external recognition, such as being shown in prestigious galleries or museums, and selling their craft. The latter — profitability, recognition, demand — is how success is traditionally defined in the field.

4 epidemics that almost happened (but didn't) - George Zaidan

Adults History
What makes for an effective outbreak response? Explore successful systems from around the world that prevented epidemics.

Bedtime History: Helen Keller

Youth History
Learn about Helen Keller's journey to overcome all odds by learning to speak, read, write books, and later tour the world bringing attention to others with similar disabilities.

Bedtime History: Maya Angelou

Youth History
Learn about the famous author and poet who helped the Civil Rights Movement and changed the world with her inspiring words and life story.

Can Zoos Save Species From Extinction?

Youth History
Dig into the breeding program that saved Takhi horses from extinction, and explore the role of zoos in animal conservation.

Bedtime History: Sally Ride

Youth History
Learn about the physicist and astronaut, Sally Ride, who became the first American woman to fly in space.

Biography Of King Tut

Youth History
In this educational video, we will learn about the life and legacy of one of Egypt's most famous leaders.

Why Lightbulbs Might Be The Best Invention Ever

Adults History
Lightbulbs might be the best idea ever – just not for light.

The HUGE Problem with ChatGPT

Adults History
Free-to-use, exceptionally powerful artificial intelligences are available to more people than ever, seemingly making some kind of news every day.

Biography of Henry VIII

Youth History
In this educational video, we will learn about the life and legacy of one of England's most famous monarchs.

How Caffeine Accidentally Took Over The World

Adults History
Plants don't make caffeine just for us, so what DO they make it for?