
6 Youtube Lessons for Building Better Instructional Videos

Teachers Creativity Photography Teacher Cafe
Here are some great new ideas and examples from Youtube on creating your own instructional videos for blended learning classrooms like ours.

Jim Scrivener On Classroom Magagement

Teachers Teacher Cafe
In this quick two-minute interview Jim Scrivener gives his best tips on classroom management and the one thing he thinks all teachers could do to improve their classes.

Free Ebook: Preparing Teachers to Teach Writing Using Technology

Teachers Teacher Cafe Technology Writing
"Technology is changing not only how people write, but also how they learn to write." This free ebook discusses necessary changes in pedagogy and introduces approaches and experiences of real teachers teaching writing with technology.

Personal Learning Networks for Educators

Teachers Teacher Cafe
This post explains how and why educators should begin to form personal learning networks. It also discusses some easy ways to start the process and includes links to some great resources.

Teacher Well-Being and Stress Management

Teachers Mental Health Self Teacher Cafe
Teaching can be stressful and teacher burn out rates are higher than ever. This article from Cambridge offers some reasons for teacher stress as well as some helpful coping strategies.

Every Kid Needs A Champion

Teachers Psychology Relationships Teacher Cafe
Great Ted Talk for any teacher. Rita Pierson, a teacher for 40 years, once heard a colleague say, "They don't pay me to like the kids." Her response: "Kids don't learn from people they don't like. A rousing call to educators to believe in their students and actually connect with them on a real, human, personal level.

Air Mouse GO Plus

Teachers Teacher Cafe
Now Smrt classes can be even more interactive with the use of an air mouse. This new technology gives way to smooth transitions between pages and activities with no need of wires for an increase of movement in the classroom.

Interactive Writing Benchmarks

Teachers Teacher Cafe Writing
Samples of student work at different proficiency levels to assist teachers with a better understanding of the writing competencies and benchmarks.

Create Beautiful Timelines

Teachers Teacher Cafe Technology
Tiki-Toki is a web-based timeline software. Any class can have a timeline. Use these timelines for assignments, class notes or homework. They are easy to make and understand.

Webinar -Learner Autonomy

Teachers Productivity Teacher Cafe
February 19th 2014, Lizzie Pinard will host a webinar for English language teachers. The topic is learner autonomy. It will be discussed along with suggestions on practical methods that we can use to encourage learners to be genuinely autonomous outside the classroom.

Blog: An ELT Notebook

Teachers Teacher Cafe
A collection of articles on EFL methodology for teachers at all levels of experience.

Learning English BBC

Teachers Teacher Cafe
A great website for teachers and students. There are several interesting exercises, videos and podcasts here to explore.

12 Ways Teachers are Using Social Media in the Classroom

Teachers Social Media Teacher Cafe
Is social media relevant? There is a myth about social media in the classroom that if you use students will be Tweeting or Snapchatting while you are trying to teach.

Tips to drastically Improve Your English Listening (ESL)

Teachers Listening Teacher Cafe
This article will reveal the best and most effective tips, strategies and techniques to improve your ESL student's listening ability.

4 Online Education Trends for 2014

Teachers Future Teacher Cafe
Learning on the go, learning at the speed of need, gamification and videos are the leaders in new educations trends of 2014.

10 Steps for Avoiding Teacher Burnout

Teachers Self Teacher Cafe
A few steps to get back the feeling that teaching is actually worth it .Instead of avoiding the issue, take positive steps to move forward.

Bullying Prevention

Teachers Psychology Relationships Teacher Cafe
Ideas in a recently published study, focusing on giving students a chance to speak about school connection, peer mistreatment and student and adult actions.