Non-Invasive Brain Surgery
AdultsBiologyScienceTechnology...Scientists have combined ultrasound, viruses and synthetic drugs to control regions of the brain.
How rollercoasters affect your body - Brian D. Avery
AdultsConstructionDesignScience...In 1895, crowds flooded Coney Island to see America’s first-ever looping coaster: the Flip Flap Railway. But its thrilling flip caused cases of severe whiplash, neck injury and even ejections.
Teacher Well-Being and Stress Management
TeachersMental HealthSelfTeacher Cafe...Teaching can be stressful and teacher burn out rates are higher than ever. This article from Cambridge offers some reasons for teacher stress as well as some helpful coping strategies.
The Benefits of a Good Night's Sleep- Shai Marcu
TeachersTeacher CafeHealthEducationA Ted-Ed Original Lesson with corresponding questions for students to think, dig deeper and discuss.
The Behavior Battle: High and Low Tech Solutions
TeachersTeacher CafeEducationHealthStudent behavior can eat up precious classroom time and for most, they start out strong and dwindle down over time. Strategies are complex and need a lot of dedicated personnel and time. Here are some of the best methods from high tech to low tech teachers are trying today.
Tips and Tricks for Teaching Study Skills to Kids
TeachersTeacher CafeEducationHealthIdeas and tools that will help teach study skills, create good habits and learn organizational techniques for school kids of all ages. There is a variety of ideas for you to figure out what works for you. Remember that each student is unique.