
Can you solve the fantasy election riddle? - Dennis E. Shasha

Adults Education
After much debate, the realm has decided dragon jousting may not be the best way to choose its leaders, and has begun transitioning to democracy.

The Ridiculous Way We Used To Calculate Pi

Adults Education
For thousands of years, mathematicians were calculating Pi the obvious but numerically inefficient way. Then Newton came along and changed the game. This video is sponsored by Brilliant.

What if the World turned to Gold? - The Gold Apocalypse

Adults Education
The Map of Evolution and other sciency posters, researched and designed with love, are now available on the kurzgesagt shop.

Illusions of Time

Adults Education
Your brain is a time machine!

Why Robots That Bend Are Better

Adults Education
Robots of the future may be softer, squishier and bendier than robots today. This could make them ideal for space exploration. Check out​ for 50% off your first month of any subscription!

The artist who won a Nobel Prize... in medicine - Melanie E. Peffer

Adults Education
Explore how a scientist and artist discovered how our brains transmit signals throughout the body, and laid the foundation for modern neuroscience.

How Many People Did Nuclear Energy Kill? Nuclear Death Toll

Adults Education
Nuclear energy creates an uneasy feeling of danger for many people: ancient and dangerous minerals are concentrated to awaken seemingly unnatural powers, creating toxic elements that, if they escape, can and have killed people in horrible ways. How many people has nuclear energy killed and how?

Accent Expert Gives a Tour of U.S. Accents - (Part One)

Adults Education
Dialect coach Erik Singer takes us on a tour of different accents across English-speaking North America.

How to use originality reports in Google Classroom

Teachers Education
Help students keep their ideas authentic with originality reports, available as part of Google Classroom and Assignments through the collaborative tools of G Suite for Education.

The Illusion Only Some Can See

Adults Education
Ames window illusion illustrates how we don't directly perceive external reality.

These squids can fly... no, really - Robert Siddall

Adults Education
Dive into the incredible flying capabilities of squids, and how they use flight as a survival tactic.

Why Do You Have Reoccurring Dreams?

Adults Education
Dream. Dream. Dream.

Can You Upload Your Mind & Live Forever? feat. Cyberpunk 2077

Adults Education
The desire to be free from the limits of the human experience is as old as our first stories. We exist in an endless universe, only bound by the laws of physics and yet, our consciousness is trapped in mortal machines made of meat.

The most colorful gemstones on Earth - Jeff Dekofsky

Adults Education
What gives opals their signature shimmering colors? Dig into the science of the gemstone’s formation, millions of years in the making.

What If Earth got Kicked Out of the Solar System? Rogue Earth

Adults Education
To get a fresh perspective on science, go to and sign up free. And there’s an extra perk for kurzgesagt viewers: the first 200 people to use the link get 20% off their annual membership, which lets you view all the daily problems in the archives and unlock every course. Thanks to our friends from Brilliant for supporting this channel.

The Science of SPLAT!

Adults Education
Surprisingly, flattened fauna can teach us a lot about wildlife biology.

How Large Can a Bacteria get? Life & Size 3

Adults Education
In and out, in and out. Staying alive is about doing things. This very second, your cells are combusting glucose molecules with oxygen to make energy available, which keeps you alive for another precious moment. To get the oxygen to your cells you are breathing.