Built For It Trials - Stack: Largest Board Game Played with Cat Excavators
Adults ConstructionWatch Excavators Play The Largest Game Of Jenga You've Ever Seen
Concrete Tent
Adults ConstructionWatch Richard Ambrose and Jonny Phillips quickly construct a building made of concrete canvas-a material that has all the elements of concrete, but is flexible enough to be turned into any shape. This technology allows people to erect permanent structures in a fraction of the time needed for traditional building techniques.
Glass Making Demonstration
Adults ConstructionGlass making demonstration at the Corning Museum of Glass in Corning, NY.
30-Story Building Built In 15 Days (Time Lapse)
Adults ConstructionWhat can you accomplish in 360 hours? The Chinese sustainable building company, Broad Group, has achieved another impossible feat - building a 30-story tall hotel in 360 hours.
Joe McNally Photography- Climbing the Burj Khalifa (The World's Tallest Building)
Adults ConstructionWhat it looks like from the very top of the tallest man made structure in the world.
The Amazing Origami House: This Home Unfolds Eight Ways
Adults ConstructionIt all started with Lapland. When David ben Grunberg was an architecture student, he was given the assignment to design a pre-fab home that could work in wildly different temperature extremes.