
Bug Chef | David George Gordon // 60 Second Docs

The Bug Chef, aka David George Gordon, released an insect-based cookbook in 1998 and has been cooking with bugs ever since, a traveling chef sauteing scorpions for cheering crowds. Rich in protein, vitamins and minerals, two billion people are already eating bugs; Gordon's just bringing gourmets up to speed. As our population grows another billion in the next 40 years, Gordon warns that humans will have to find alternate protein sources to spare the environment -- and he thinks bugs are just the superfood we need.

A popular way to cook broccoli removes important nutrients

Broccoli is one of the most nutritious vegetables. However, boiling it takes many of those essential nutrients out. There's a simpler way to cook it and retain all the nutrition. Following is a complete transcript of the video.

Foods That Will Give You Bad Skin

We all know that acne is caused by things we face in our everyday lives. Sweat, dirty pillowcases, and rogue hair product are just a few of the culprits of random breakouts. And wrinkles, of course, are an inevitable side effect of aging. But it's not only what touches our skin on the outside that can cause it to flare up. In fact, the food you put inside your body is just as important. If you have an expert skincare regimen but your skin still isn't top-notch, you could be consuming all the wrong things. Here are a few of the surprising foods that can wreak havoc on your complexion...

The Healthiest Diet In The World Isn't Just About Food

Most people think the Mediterranean diet is just about restricting what you eat, but they're getting it all wrong.

How coffee got quicker

For the 64% of Americans that drink coffee daily, an expedient cup is practically essential. But preparing coffee hasn't always been easy.

12 Energy-Boosting Breakfast Toasts

Which toast will you make?

How To Make Raita 3 Ways | Awesome Yoghurt Dressings for Curries

These amazingly healthy yoghurt dressings are a great way to balance out the spice in your dish. Raita is a yoghurt based dressing, often combined with raw vegetables and herbs. These three variations on the classic raita are easy to make and completely fat free!

Organic or Non-Organic Taste Test

Can we tell the difference between organic and non-organic foods?

Oversalting Our Food?

We're Oversalting Our Food, And It's Not What You Think

Super Food Chicken Curry | Jamie Oliver

This is Jamie's Bombay Chicken recipe from his new book Everyday Super Food : | It's a fantastic, quick way to cook chicken without the heavy sauce or oils. Packed full of nutrients, protein and fibre it's a balanced meal that tastes amazing and does you good too.

Scientific Weight Loss Tips

Tired of searching for the perfect diet or pill to shed some pounds? Find out the top weight loss tips, with solid science to back them up.

How sugar affects the brain

When you eat something loaded with sugar, your taste buds, your gut and your brain all take notice. This activation of your reward system is not unlike how bodies process addictive substances such as alcohol or nicotine -- an overload of sugar spikes dopamine levels and leaves you craving more. Nicole Avena explains why sweets and treats should be enjoyed in moderation.

This Is 200 Calories

From Broccoli to Big Macs - All of your favourite foods, shown as 200 calories!

What is fat? - George Zaidan

As the narrative goes, fat is bad. Well, it's actually more nuanced than that. The type of fat you eat is more impactful on your health than the quantity. George Zaidan examines triglycerides, the varied molecules that make up fat, and how to identify which types of fat you are consuming.