
Why 'love' is a useless word - and three alternatives

Adults Relationships
Many of our relationship problems stem from the emptiness of our vocabulary around our affectionate emotion. We have only the minimal word 'love'. Luckily, the Ancient Greeks had a more nuanced and complicated vocabulary that we can usefully borrow from.

How to Remain Calm With People

Adults Relationships
"One of the most fundamental paths to calm is the power to hold on, even in very challenging situations, to a distinction between what someone does - and what they meant to do....."

Kid Fashionista | Designer Kheris Rogers // 60 Second Docs

Adults Relationships
Bullied at school for her skin tone, 11-year-old Kheris Rogers is demonstrating why beauty isn't just skin deep -- through fashion. She designed her own clothing line, Flexin' in My Complexion, to empower others to love their differences, and with support from her family and friends, is making steps down the runway towards change.

The myth of Cupid and Psyche - Brendan Pelsue

Adults Relationships
Psyche was born so beautiful that she was worshipped as a new incarnation of Venus, the goddess of love. But human lovers were too intimidated to approach her, and Apollo recommended her father abandon her on a crag where she would marry "a cruel and savage, serpent-like winged evil." But Psyche's story ended up being much more interesting. Brendan Pelsue shares the myth of Cupid and Psyche.

How To Forgive

Adults Relationships
"It can be so hard to forgive because - so often - we simply are in the right and the scale of the folly, thoughtlessness and meanness of others seems utterly beyond our own measure. But there are two inviolable ideas which should nevertheless, in the face of the grossest behaviour, be kept in mind to increase our chances of cutting others a little slack..."

Why Only the Happily Single Find True Love

Adults Relationships
One of the key requirements for having a good chance of finding the right partner is not to mind too much being single.

Can Exes Be Friends?

Adults Relationships
Partners who break up frequently think that the nicest thing to do is to try to remain good friends. But this nice-sounding gesture frequently brings with it unexpected consequences. It may be better to plot a different course.

How To Be A Good Listener

Adults Relationships
Listening is something we're very reluctant to do, not because we're lazy, but because we have never actually been taught how to do it properly, in a way that can be interesting and rewarding for us.

Why You're Attracted To Certain People

Adults Relationships
Love is a beautiful thing, but what causes it? Well, it might all just be in your head.

The Problem with Over-Friendly People

Adults Relationships
Friendliness is a great virtue. Over-friendliness can be an unexpected problem.

Weird Things Your Body Does When You're Around Your Crush

Adults Relationships
Love has some strong effects on our bodies. From blushing to sweating, why do we react the way we do when facing a crush?

Valentine's Day | History

Adults Relationships
How did St. Valentine become associated with love and romance? Get the full story behind the holiday.

Kids On: Escaping The Friend Zone

Adults Relationships
In this episode of Kids On, the kids give advice on how to avoid/escape the dreaded friend zone.

First Contact

Adults Relationships
Should We Contact Uncontacted Peoples?

The Prisoner's Dilemma

Adults Relationships
The prisoner's dilemma is a canonical example of a game analyzed in game theory that shows why two purely "rational" individuals might not cooperate, even if it appears that it is in their best interests [citation needed] to do so.

Dogs Trust TV Ad

Adults Relationships
The campaign is trying to raise awareness of hundreds of dogs at Dogs Trust's 20 rehoming centres around the country by showing just how important a new owner is to a Dogs Trust dog waiting for their special someone.

GoPro: Pelican Learns To Fish

Adults Relationships
After being separated from his flock during a storm, Bigbird the pelican was taken in by the staff at a safari camp. Jeffrey, the camp manager, took Bigbird out each morning to fish and developed an unlikely friendship.