
GoPro HD: Avalanche Cliff Jump with Matthias Giraud

Adults Sports
Skiers Matthias Giraud and Stefan Laude try to outrun a massive avalanche in the French Alps. The only problem? Their escape route.

Unbelievable Little Kid Does a Trick Shot Video

Adults Sports
Amazing shots from a kid (Titus) between 18 and 24 months old. He began shooting baskets shortly after learning to walk, we started filming some, and then got totally carried away.

THE NFL : A Bad Lip Reading

Adults Sports
So THAT'S what they were saying...

Dan Osman freeclimbing - Climbing without rope

Adults Sports
Daniel Eugene Osman was a Japanese-American extreme sport practitioner, known for the dangerous sports of "free-soloing" (rock climbing without ropes or other safety gear)

We are not crazy... WE ARE AMAZING!

Adults Sports
Warning: Your awesome-meter might explode.

X Games Los Angeles 2012: Hot Wheels Double Dare Loop

Adults Sports
Tanner Foust and Greg Tracy conquer the Hot Wheels Double Dare Loop at X Games Los Angeles.

The Killer Whale Submarine

Adults Sports
This is the streamlined, two-person watercraft that breaches and submerges just like the Orcinus orca after which it is designed. A pilot protected beneath its watertight 1/2"-thick acrylic canopy pushes and pulls twin control levers to articulate the whale's pectoral fins for rolls and stealthy dives. With a finger on the right lever's throttle trigger, steering is provided by dual foot pedals that control the vectored thrust of the craft's 255-hp supercharged Rotax axial flow engine, enabling realistic behaviors such as porpoising or skyhopping.