
What Is Misinformation?

What types of misinformation might we see online? And why is it out there? KN contributor Aubrie Chan animated this video to help you understand the term better.

Historian Breaks Down Napoleon's Battle Tactics | WIRED

"Love him or hate him, Napoleon is a figure probably unrivaled in modern history." Today Jonathon Riley, a British General and historian, breaks down French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte's most prominent battles and utilized war tactics.

Word Processing Software 1

Get started on using word processing software.

How Did Humans Evolve? Crash Course Biology #19

What’s a human? And how did we become humans, anyway?

Storytime: What You Need To Be Warm

Let Neil Gaiman’s magical words transport you to a cozy place on even the coldest of days, full of warmth and comfort.


Get ready to embark on an enchanting journey through the treetops with the adorable tree-kangaroo.

What Cheese makes the best Mac & Cheese?

Today, I want to answer a question I’ve been wondering about for years, and that is What cheese makes the best Mac & cheese?

How Do Polar Bears Walk On Ice?

Are you wondering how polar bears walk on ice and snow? Let's find out together.

Why the wrong people end up in power | Brian Klaas, Bill Eddy, & more

This is the psychology of an authoritarian unpacked.

Gary's Next Pet: Bunnies

Gary's hopping with excitement — literally! Will a bunny be Gary's next pet?

Eclipses Used To Be Terrifying

Because eclipses are powerful and frightening events, ancient cultures went to great lengths to understand eclipses.

I kissed nuclear waste to prove a point.

The shadows of Chernobyl and Fukushima loom large over the topic of nuclear energy, fueling fears often unaligned with reality.

The Ice Bucket Challenge Actually Worked

The Ice Bucket Challenge raised millions of dollars for research into treatments for ALS, or Lou Gehrig's disease.

You Went Through Puberty as a Baby

We all remember the woes and trials of our adolescence.

Zoom Zoom Zoom We're on our Way to Mars

In this fun and catchy song, we will go on an exciting journey to the red planet.

Presentation Software

Learn the skills needed to create the perfect presentation.

Can you solve the secret assassin society riddle?

Your agent has infiltrated a life or death poker game in a hidden back room of a grand casino.