
Could You Be Immune To Everything?

Adults Biology
Do you remember having a cold in 5th grade? Or the flu a couple years ago? Your immune system does.

Can We Really Touch Anything?

Adults Biology
Can we really touch things? Well if by touch we mean exchange a force-carrying particle with, then yes.

Why Are There As Many Males As Females?

Adults Biology
In almost every animal species on Earth, equal numbers of males and females are conceived. Why is that?

Debunking Anti-Vaxxers

Adults Biology
Here's what to say to anti-vaxxers!

How Evolution works

Adults Biology
The theory of evolution explains how the enormous variety of life could come into existence. How it is possible for primitive life forms to spawn the millions of different creatures, that exist today.

How did teeth evolve? - Peter S. Ungar

Adults Biology
You may take them for granted, but your teeth are a marvel. They break up all your food over the course of your life, while being strong enough to withstand breakage themselves. How do they do it?

Could we clone humans? - Earth Lab

Adults Biology
Dom Burgess investigates whether we could clone humans in the future.

What are mini brains? - Madeline Lancaster

Adults Biology
Shielded by our thick skulls and swaddled in layers of protective tissue, the human brain is extremely difficult to observe in action. Luckily, scientists can use brain organoids - pencil eraser-sized masses of cells that function like human brains but aren't part of an organism - to look closer. How do they do it? And is it ethical? Madeline Lancaster shares how to make a brain in a lab.

All the nasty things inside a pimple

Adults Biology
What is in a pimple?

How do fish make electricity? - Eleanor Nelsen

Adults Biology
Nearly 350 species of fish have specialized anatomical structures that generate and detect electrical signals. Underwater, where light is scarce, electrical signals offer ways to communicate, navigate, find, and sometimes stun prey. But how do these fish produce electricity? And why? Eleanor Nelsen illuminates the science behind electric fish.

How Close Are We to Curing HIV/AIDS?

Adults Biology
Current drug therapies mean it's possible to live a normal life span with HIV, but that's expensive and not a long term solution. What we really need is an HIV vaccine and a cure. So, how close are we?

Why Are You Anxious?

Adults Biology
When you're feeling or stressed, your body releases stress hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol...

Why is it so hard to cure cancer? - Kyuson Yun

Adults Biology
We've harnessed electricity, sequenced the human genome, and eradicated smallpox. But after billions of dollars in research, we haven't found a solution for a disease that affects more than 14 million people and their families at any given time. Why is it so difficult to cure cancer? Kyuson Yun explains the challenges.

One Shot Could Provide All the Vaccines You'll Ever Need

Adults Biology
Hate needles? Researchers may have found a way to combine all the vaccines you'll ever need into a single shot. Here's how it works.

5 useless human body parts left over from evolution

Adults Biology
Your body is walking proof of evolution, but some parts have grown unnecessary over time. Here are five useless body parts left over from evolution.

Do You Really Have Two Brains?

Adults Biology
Are you a left-brained person or a right-brained person? Spoiler: You're neither. Each of us uses both sides of our brain for most of what we do. But still, there are a number of brain functions that do show lateralization, where they are localized to one side or another. Why is this? And how does it influence our definition of consciousness? People with "split brains" can help us figure it out.

DNA Doesn't Look Like What You Think!

Adults Biology
Biology textbooks are full of drawings of DNA, but none of those show what DNA actually looks like. Sure, they're good models for understanding how DNA works, but inside of real cells, it's a whole lot more interesting. Learn why we can't look directly at DNA, and find out how DNA is actually packed inside cells.