
The Geometry Of Life

Youth Math
Tiling patterns can be found thoughout the natural world - from honeycomb to fish scales.

The Biggest Project in Modern Mathematics

Youth Math
Robert Langlands outlined striking conjectures that predicted a correspondence between two objects from completely different fields of math.


Youth Math
Hooraaaay flexagons!

Doodle Music

Youth Math
A visual and musical expression of mathematical symmetry groups.

Picked A Strawberry

Kids Math
Let's pick some berries and practice counting!

Combinations of 52 cards (52 factorial)

Adults Math
Whenever you shuffle a deck of 52 cards, it is quite likely that you are achieving something never done before in history. The number of combinations is 52 factorial.

Six In The Bed

Kids Math
Practice counting down from 6.

The Simplest Math Problem No One Can Solve

Adults Math
The Collatz Conjecture is the simplest math problem no one can solve — it is easy enough for almost anyone to understand but notoriously difficult to solve.

Can you solve the fantasy election riddle? - Dennis E. Shasha

Adults Math
After much debate, the realm has decided dragon jousting may not be the best way to choose its leaders, and has begun transitioning to democracy.

Why "Nothing" Matters in Science

Adults Math
Null results often get a bad rap, sometimes characterized as a study "finding nothing," but there's a lot we can learn from studies whose results fail to support their hypotheses.

The Ridiculous Way We Used To Calculate Pi

Adults Math
For thousands of years, mathematicians were calculating Pi the obvious but numerically inefficient way. Then Newton came along and changed the game. This video is sponsored by Brilliant.

How Hard Can You Hit a Golf Ball? (at 100,000 FPS)

Adults Math
We used a pressurized vacuum cannon to get the golf ball up to speeds of over 500 miles per hour.

Can you solve the jail break riddle?

Adults Math
You’re a bank robber trying to escape from jail. Can you solve the riddle to get past the fence to freedom?

The Inverse Leidenfrost Effect

Adults Math
Droplets levitate on a bath of liquid nitrogen and are spontaneously self-propelled.

Ant On A Rubber Rope Paradox

Adults Math
Paradoxes are cool!

Mushroom Cloud Myth | Because Science Footnotes

Adults Math
Kyle debunks the Fallout Vault Boy myth, responds to your comments, and more!

Can you solve the Leonardo da Vinci riddle?

Adults Math
You've found Leonardo da Vinci's secret vault, secured by a series of combination locks. Fortunately, your treasure map has three codes: 1210, 3211000, and... hmm.