
Toronto Maple Leafs fans finish singing US anthem after technical difficulties

Adults Politics Sports
The NHL's Nashville Predators might have creamed the Toronto Maple Leafs on the ice Tuesday night, but ahead of the game, there was a technical difficulty for the U.S. side. The microphone cut out while a woman was singing "The Star Spangled Banner." Instead of taking a moment to fix the sound system, the fans in the Canadian arena barely missed a beat at filling in the rest of the U.S. national anthem.

Why Do Rivers Curve?

Adults Nature Environment
MinuteEarth provides an energetic and entertaining view of trends in earth's environment -- in just a few minutes!

Why Music Moves Us

Adults Human Music
Why does music make us feel happy or sad? Or angry or romantic? How can simple sound waves cause so much emotion? I went from my comfy chair to the streets of Austin to investigate how it might be written into our neuroscience and evolution. Modern neuroscience says our brains may be wired to pick certain emotions out of music because they remind us of how people move!

Why can't we see evidence of alien life?

Adults Life Space
Stand by for an animated exploration of the famous Fermi Paradox. Given the vast number of planets in the universe, many much older than Earth, why haven't we yet seen obvious signs of alien life? The potential answers to this question are numerous and intriguing, alarming and hopeful.

Why Van Gogh's "Starry Night" Is Actually An Art Of Science

Adults Art Science
Physicist Werner Heisenberg said, "When I meet God, I am going to ask him two questions: why relativity? And why turbulence? I really believe he will have an answer for the first." As difficult as turbulence is to understand mathematically, we can use art to depict the way it looks. Natalya St. Clair illustrates how Van Gogh captured this deep mystery of movement, fluid and light in his work.

The Secret Social Life of Plants

Adults Economy Nature
MinuteEarth provides an energetic and entertaining view of trends in earth's environment -- in just a few minutes!

How Bees Can See the Invisible

Adults Animals Nature
Feeding and fertilizing. Bees are amazing social insects, and their relationship with flowers is one of nature's coolest examples of "mutualism". It got me wondering: How do bees see the world? Enjoy this look at how bees see in ultraviolet and even sense electric fields!

Epic Hot Air Balloon Rope Swing

Adults Internet Culture Transportation
YouTube channel Devin Supertramp shows you what you get when you combine a rope with hot air balloons.

This Bird Chirps Just Like R2-D2 From "Star Wars"

Adults Animals Film
We taught Bluey the budgie how to do R2-D2 and now he drives us crazy! He has two other budgies in his cage, and I think he's driving them crazy too!

Why is the Sky Any Color?

Adults Science World
It's a question that you'd think kids have been asking for thousands of years, but it might not be that old at all. The ancient Greek poet Homer never used a word for blue in The Odyssey or The Iliad, because blue is one of the last colors that cultures pick out a word for.

Save the Arctic

Adults Global Warming World
Save the Arctic - Watch and share.

The Science and Beauty of Auroras

Adults Science World
Space might seem like an empty place, but the area surrounding Earth is constantly being bombarded by waves of charged particles released by the Sun: The solar wind. Luckily, thanks to Earth's swirling, molten core (and the magnetic field it provides), we are protected from this planet-sterilizing onslaught like an invisible force field.

Katana Fight Between Two ABB Robots

Adults Gadgets Technology
A katana fight between two ABB robots during an exhibition.

The Fear That Everything Has Already Been Done

Adults Photography Society
The frustration of photographing something amazing when thousands of identical photos already exist-the same sunset, the same waterfall, the same curve of a hip, the same closeup of an eye-which can turn a unique subject into something hollow and pulpy and cheap, like a mass-produced piece of furniture you happen to have assembled yourself.


Adults Animals Technology
This Bird Can Mimic Laser Gun Sounds And It's Very Impressive


Adults Art Music Technology
The performers Saya Watatani and Maki Yokoyama look like two Tinker Bells dancing together!

Kevin Delaney Makes a Cloud

Adults Science TV
Kevin Delaney from the Museum of Discovery in Little Rock performs some experiments on "The Tonight Show." Science is awesome.