
Yes, this is how we know the Earth is slowing down

Adults Space
Without eclipses, our world would be a lot different because eclipses give us the ability to do science we otherwise wouldn’t be able to.

You're a Dream of the Universe (According to Science)

Adults Space
Absolutely everything you think about yourself and the universe could be an illusion. As far as you know, you are real and exist in a universe that was born 14 billion years ago and that gave rise to galaxies, stars, the Earth, and finally you. Except, maybe not.

Mysteries of The Moon | How The Moon Was Formed? | Learn All About The Moon | The Dr. Binocs Show

Youth Space
The Moon is Earth's only natural satellite. Its diameter is about one-quarter of Earth's, making it the fifth largest satellite in the Solar System and the largest and most massive relative to its parent planet.

Guy Bluford, First African American in Space: 40 Years of Inspiration

Youth Space
In 1983, NASA’s Guy Bluford broke barriers and made history as the first African American astronaut in space. Hear from Bluford himself, see footage from his Space Shuttle missions, and celebrate the milestones that forever changed the landscape of space exploration.

Why Are Saturn’s Rings Younger Than Saturn?

Adults Space
Saturn's rings are younger than Saturn, and the most spectacular sight in the Solar System is also disappearing. How do we know? By running our finger through some cosmic dust.

Why Does NASA Observe The Sun In Different Colours?

Youth Space
The Solar Dynamics Observatory, or SDO, sees the Sun in more than 10 distinct wavelengths of light, showing solar material at different temperatures.

Are There Earthquakes On Other Planets?

Youth Space
Are there earthquakes on other planets? There sure are, but we don’t call them earthquakes. Find out more in this video.

The Black Hole That Kills Galaxies - Quasars

Adults Space
The universe isn't just a vast empty ocean sprinkled with galaxies – most of the atoms are actually drifting in between, in the intergalactic medium.

Meet The Mars Rover

Kids Space
Squeaks and Jessi explore how scientists can learn things about Mars by sending rovers to land on it.

How Will Humans Live On Mars?

Kids Space
Squeaks and Jessi make a travel plan and packing list that will help them overcome the challenges of life on Mars!

NASA's Artemis Highlights

Youth Space
Ride along with NASA’s Orion capsule on the Artemis I mission around the Moon and back.

How Will We Get To Mars?

Kids Space
Mars has a ton of amazing features waiting to be explored, but we have to get there first.

How NASA Colours Images Of The Universe

Youth Space
Data image developers combine science and art to bring color to JWST's images.

Meteors & Meteor Showers Explained

Youth Space
CBC Kids News explains how these bright streaks of light in the sky come to be, from their origins at the outskirts of our solar system to their final moments in Earth’s orbit.

Total Solar Eclipse April 19th, 2023

Youth Space
This total Solar Eclipse was visible from Australia and Southeast Asia.

How Ancient Stones Helped Track The Seasons

Youth Space
Mysterious stone arrangements reveal Senegal’s ancient connections to astronomy.

Why Aliens Might Already Be On Their Way To Us

Adults Space
The universe is magnificent and vast. Hundreds of billions of galaxies, trillions of stars, and even more planets. If even the tiniest fraction are habitable, then the Universe should be teeming with life. And yet we see nothing, only vast emptiness. Where is everyone else?