
How to Make Passive Sentences in English

Adults Grammar Smrt Live
Learn how to use be with a past participle to make English sentences in the passive voice. This lesson is for students at a pre-intermediate level.

Windows Project Glass: One day too...

Adults Gadgets Technology
Microsoft released their augmented reality glasses prototype right away...

The Differences between the First and Second Conditionals

Adults Grammar Smrt Live
Learn how English speakers choose between the first and second conditionals. This lesson is for pre-intermediate students.

Ron Finley A guerrilla gardener in South Central LA

Adults Environment Global Warming
Ron Finley plants vegetable gardens in South Central LA -- in abandoned lots, traffic medians, along the curbs. Why? For fun, for defiance, for beauty and to offer some alternative to fast food in a community where "the drive-thrus are killing more people than the drive-bys."

Mythbusters - Helium and Sulfur Hexafluoride

Adults Science TV
Adam from the show Mythbusters has fun with Helium and Sulfur Hexafluoride.

A Boy And His Atom: The World's Smallest Movie

Adults Film Technology
Scientists from IBM today unveiled the world's smallest movie, made with atoms. Named "A Boy and His Atom," the movie used thousands of precisely placed atoms to create this ~250 frames stop-motion, first of its kind classic.

The Meaning of the Present Perfect Simple

Adults Grammar Smrt Live
Learn the main general meaning of the present perfect simple as well as how English speakers use it to describe duration. This lesson is for students at a pre-intermediate level.

Vancouver Canucks | BELIEVE - 2013 Playoffs

Adults Marketing Sports
This is Vancouver! Playoffs start tomorrow!!!! Go Canucks Go!

The Meaning and Use of Mustn't

Adults Grammar Smrt Live
Learn how English speakers use mustn't to express negative obligations. This lesson is for students at a pre-intermediate level.

Lionel Messi's goals make commentators FREAK OUT.

Adults Sports TV
What a goal by the greatest & what a commentary by ray hudson

I Will Not Let An Exam Result Decide My Fate

Adults Education Music
"I Will Not Let An Exam Result Decide My Fate" picks up on the education topic but takes a different stance and angle from "Why I Hate School But Love Education".

Ball-Zee - UK Finest Beatbox

Adults Creativity Music
BALL-ZEE Aka Patrick Hirst is the UK beatbox champion 2011. Conjuring everything from deep, dirty bass lines, heavy hitting drum beats and amazingly realistic sound fx using only the power of his vocal chords and mouth!

How to Make Sentences with Must

Adults Grammar Smrt Live
Learn the rules for making English sentences with must. This lesson is for pre-intermediate students.

Wringing a wet washcloth in space

Adults Science Space
International Space Station commander Chris Hadfield soaks a washcloth, gives it a twist, and...well, you'll see.

Birds-of-Paradise Project

Adults Animals Nature
This fall, the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and National Geographic are bringing the Birds-of-Paradise Project to the public. Get an advance look now...and witness diverse strategies of evolution at work and experience one of nature's extraordinary wonders - up close.

What are Modal Verbs?

Adults Grammar Smrt Live
Learn how English speakers use modal verbs to add meaning to a verb or sentence. This lesson is for pre-intermediate students.

How to Use the Present Perfect to Explain Now

Adults Grammar Smrt Live
Learn how English speakers use the present perfect simple to explain the present with finished, past actions. This lesson is for students at a pre-intermediate level.