Primitive Technology: One-Way Blower Iron Smelt & Forging Experiment
AdultsConstructionCreativityEducation...I tested the one-way spinning blower in an iron smelt and it is more effective than the previous both way spinning blower.
Intro To Poetry
YouthCreativityWritingEducation...What is poetry and what are the rules for writing your own?
Why Do All YouTube Videos Look Alike?
AdultsCreativityEducationMedia...Many crustaceans from all sorts of starting points evolve to end up looking similar, likely due to outside pressures. That’s sort of like what happens with YouTube videos.
Why Are All Humans Unique? Meiosis: Crash Course Biology
AdultsBiologyHumanScience...Ever wonder why we aren’t exact clones of our parents, or why siblings aren’t exactly alike? The reason traces back to meiosis. In this episode of Crash Course Biology, we’ll discover how egg and sperm cells get made and learn why you’re a totally unique remix of your parents’ DNA.