Penguin Siblings Race For Food | Growing Up Wild | BBC Earth
AdultsAnimalsNatureWorld...In the harsh climate of Antarctica, Adelie penguin siblings take the term 'sibling rivalry' to a new level, their survival depends on it. Pitting the pair against each other will show the parents who is the fittest and most likely to make it in the wild.
Kylee Makes Rainbow Slime!
KidsCreativityExperimentsHow-to...Kylee creates a Rainbow Slime Waterfall, and then experiments to figure out how to get slime INSIDE a balloon!
How Species Make and Break Friendships
AdultsAnimalsHumanLife...Community ecology is the study of interactions between different species of living things, and lets ecologists examine the effects of predator-prey relationships, parasites, and mutually beneficial interactions. In this episode of Crash Course Biology, we’ll examine the myriad interspecies interactions with examples, see how keystone species impact their environment and explore how communities rebuild when they are disrupted, through the lens of the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens.
How AI Is Revolutionizing Deep Ocean Research
YouthArtificial IntelligenceNatureTechnology...With so much of the ocean left unexplored, and a limited number of deep ocean specialists, could AI help scientists to drive major breakthroughs?
Can Laughter Reduce Pain?
YouthExperimentsHealthScienceCan laughter actually reduce the pain you experience? Tune in and watch this incredible experiment to find out!
DIY Coin Battery
KidsExperimentsHow-toScience...Little ones will be amazed to see an LED light up using simple items, and older kids can take part in setting up the experiment themselves!
The Ozone Layer
YouthGlobal WarmingScienceEnvironmentWhat's going on with the hole in the ozone layer?
Clownfish Teamwork
YouthAnimalsRelationshipsScience...A family of saddleback clownfish have found an excellent home, however, they need a place to lay their eggs.
The Most Dangerous Weapon Is Not Nuclear
AdultsBiotechnologyEconomyScience...A breathtaking scientific revolution is taking place – biotechnology has been progressing at stunning speed, giving us the tools to eventually gain control over biology. On the one hand solving the deadliest diseases while also creating viruses more dangerous than nuclear bombs, able to devastate humanity.
Cool Tissue Wiggly Worm Experiment
KidsExperimentsMusicScienceBring a cherished nursery rhyme to life by introducing simple science to your little ones.
Blindness Isn't a Tragic Binary — It's a Rich Spectrum | Andrew Leland | TED
AdultsBiologyHumanScience...When does vision loss become blindness? Writer, audio producer and editor Andrew Leland explains how his gradual loss of vision revealed a paradoxical truth about blindness -- and shows why it might have implications for how all of us see the world.