
Antarctica - Destination World

Even though the blistering cold keeps away all but the most adventurous explorers and scientists, a few surprises still hide above and below the ice in Antarctica!

This Crab Can't Swim, But Has To Lay Its Eggs In The Sea

The robber crab has been ashore so long, it's developed lungs that can no longer breathe in water.

Alpaca Herd Goes For A Walk

Three alpacas living in the Taronga zoo are brought out on a walk to another part of the zoo the freely graze in an open area.

The Snowflake Mystery

Dr Ken Libbrecht is the world expert on snowflakes, designer of custom snowflakes, snowflake consultant for the movie Frozen - his photos appear on postage stamps all over the world.

Australia - Destination World

Australia, also known as the Land Down Under, has some of the most unique wildlife in the world.

Why The Ocean Needs Salt (But Has None)

Our oceans don’t technically contain salt, but the ions salt is made of play a critical role in planet-wide processes that make the Earth habitable.

Polar Bear - Amazing Animals

Polar bears can swim 100 miles at a stretch!

Army Ant - Amazing Animals

Army ants talk to each other by leaving chemical trails!

Amazing Clownfish Teamwork

A family of saddleback clownfish have found an excellent home, however, they need a place to lay their eggs.


A couple of wildebeest contemplate crossing a river.

Spotted Owl - Amazing Animals

Spotted owls can’t move their eyeballs!

A Sea Lion Goes For A Walk

An 11 year old Australian Sea Lion goes for a walk through the marine area of the Taronga Zoo, and visits the penguins while he's out.

Giant Pacific Octopus - Amazing Animals

Giant Pacific octopuses can change color to blend in wherever they go!

Nursing A Sea Otter Pup

A sea otter that had been observed without a mother for several hours has been picked up by the Alaska Animal Rescue team.

The Colours Of Stars

Sam the Bat noticed that some stars are different colors, so Mister Brown teaches him about what colors stars can be, and what all the colors mean!

Tree Kangaroo - Amazing Animals

Some tree kangaroos can jump from 60 feet high in trees to the ground!

Why Do Honeybees Love Hexagons?

Honeybees are some of nature's finest mathematicians.