
The world depends on a strange collection of items. They're not cheap

This government warehouse keeps our entire society up to standard.

Bite Sized Food Facts!

Did you know SciShow has a shorts section on Youtube? We’ve compiled a variety of bite sized shorts about food here for you to indulge in at your leisure!

The Future of Public Health: Crash Course Public Health #10

We don’t know what the next big scientific breakthrough is going to be or what futuristic diseases we’ll encounter. But when it comes to our health, we actually have a pretty good idea of what could be next.

What Does Endemic Mean?

Kids News contributor Saara Chaudry explains the term endemic.

Veritasium's Derek Muller Answers the Web's Most Searched Questions | WIRED

Veritasium's Derek Muller answers the web's most searched questions about himself. Where did the name 'Veritasium' come from? Is Veritasium a real element? Where does Derek live? Is he married? What was Veritasium's first video? Derek answers all these questions and much more!

Saying Hello To A Sloth

Sir David Attenborough gets up close to a sloth in the forest.

Cause And Effect

Learn some Keywords that show the cause and effect relationship.

I'm Thankful

Practice saying thank you with the Roundabouts!

Compare And Contrast

Learn about the keywords that help us compare and contrast in our writing.

What if We Replaced Nuclear With Potatoes

Energy use can be confusing – I mean, how do you compare gasoline in your car to electricity piped to your house? That's why we made these things spud-tacularly simple.

Crash Course Physics Preview

It's time! Crash Course Physics is coming soon and here is your introduction to our host for this series, Dr. Shini Somara. You can find out more about her linked below!

Fact vs. Theory vs. Hypothesis vs. Law… EXPLAINED!

ome people try to attack things like evolution by natural selection and man-made climate change by saying “Oh, that’s just a THEORY!”

Planet Earth

Today we are going to watch a video about the Earth, the Solar System Planet where we live.

You Don’t Actually Know What Your Future Self Wants | Shankar Vedantam | TED

"You are constantly becoming a new person," says journalist Shankar Vendantam. In a talk full of beautiful storytelling, he explains the profound impact of something he calls the "illusion of continuity" -- the belief that our future selves will share the same views, perspectives and hopes as our current selves -- and shows how we can more proactively craft the people we are to become.

Why Do Things Float In Space?

Today, Jessi and Sam the Bat learn about the weird ways things like fire and water behave when they are in space.

Be A Changemaker

Sing along and become a changemaker who helps others feel strong, too.

Author's Purpose

Learn the reasons why authors write certain texts.