
Pool Trick Shots | Dude Perfect

Dude Perfect teams up w/ Pool Trick Shot legend Florian 'Venom' Kohler

How An Igloo Keeps You Warm

Building a perfect igloo takes cool science!

Robots Decorated The Outside Of This Entire Museum

The Elytra Filament Pavilion was designed by a team from the University of Stuttgart.

Cardboard House

Customize and Build Your Own Cardboard-Based House

Woven bark fiber

I made a rough type of textile from bark fibre. This is the same tree I use for making cordage though I don't know its name. It has been raining a lot here lately (the video also shows how well the hut stands up to rain) and this caused a large wattle tree to fall down taking a few smaller trees with it.

Fast Track - Simon's Cat

AdultsConstructionFilmInternet Culture...
'A playful cat hunts a speedy foe!'

How to Build a Trebuchet | MythBusters

What's the secret behind a perfect trebuchet? Adam tinkers with his mini medieval weapon to show us.

Self-healing concrete

The secret? Believe it or not, it's bacteria.

Wintergatan - Marble Machine

This Talented Man Builds A Musical Marble Machine Which Is Absolutely Marvelous

The Reclaimed Wood Shop (the power of the dark side)

AdultsConstructionCreativityVisual Design...
This Guy Decorates A House By Himself And It Is Unexpectedly Amazing

Concrete Does Not Dry Out

Concrete doesn't dry - it sets!

The Angry Birds Movie VIRAL VIDEO

This is Straight outta Bird island and inside snout.

Skateboard Made Of Cardboard

Can you skate paper? Hell yeah you can! We just posted our Cardboard Chaos series with Ernest Packaging where we see how far paper can go. The goal, make a skateboard out of cardboard that can handle the real elements of skateboarding. With legendary skateboard builder Paul Schmitt and the design crew at Ernest Packaging we build a few different boards until we land on one that is good enough for one of the best skateboarders in the world, Tony Hawk.

Railroad assembly line

Railroad assembly line? That is a seriously incredible machine

China Builds This 57-Storey Skyscraper In Just 19 Days?

AdultsConstructionGlobal WarmingEngineering...
Speed to Reach a Bluer Sky with energy efficiency, material economy, cohesive community. Broad Sustainable Building is a Modular Factory Built Product.

Lego-style apartment transforms into infinite spaces

When Christian Schallert isn't cooking, dressing, sleeping or eating, his 24 square meter (258 square feet) apartment looks like an empty cube. To use a piece of furniture, he has to build it.

Traditional Japanese Wood Joinery Is An Act Of Art

Interesting way of connecting wood beams.