
Brian Cox on quantum computing and black hole physics

Adults Physics
“You’re not meant to understand what I just said, because I don’t understand what I just said…” Physicist Brian Cox on one of the most complex theories in space science.

Why the Hardest Rocks Can Be Easy to Break

Adults Physics
So, rocks are hard. But the scale we use to rank them, the Mohs scale, is only really good at quantifying that for one kind of hardness, and topaz is a perfect stone to talk about to explain that. And you can check it out in our SciShow Rocks Box subscription!

This Nuclear Conspiracy Theory is CRAZY

Adults Physics
When we published a video from Hiroshima, a new kind of conspiracy theorist crawled out of the woodwork.

Brian Cox on how black holes could unlock the mysteries of our universe

Adults Physics
When black holes disappear, what happens to the stuff that fell in? Physicist Brian Cox explains.

The Truth About Space Combat

Adults Physics
George Lucas and the release of Star Wars in the 1970s unintentionally set a precedent for how almost every single piece of sci-fi media would depict space combat.

What Intensifying Turbulence Means For The Future of Travel | WIRED

Adults Physics
It's not just you—in-flight turbulence really is getting worse.

The Figure 8 Knot Has Never Failed. Why?

Adults Physics
Modern roped rock climbing, one of the nerdiest sports, relies almost entirely on a single type of knot for safety: the figure eight knot.

Forces And Motion

Youth Physics
This video will explain what force and motion are, what their relationship is to each other, and what relationship there is between force, mass, and acceleration.

Crash Course Physics Preview

Adults Physics
It's time! Crash Course Physics is coming soon and here is your introduction to our host for this series, Dr. Shini Somara. You can find out more about her linked below!

Planes Lift

Youth Physics
This song takes us through the science of flight.

The Boltzmann Paradox

Youth Physics
How do you know you’re a person rather than a just-formed brain full of artificial memories?

Have You Ever Seen An Atom?

Youth Physics
Scientists at the University of California Los Angeles have found a way to create stunningly detailed 3D reconstructing of platinum nanoparticles at an atomic scale.

How Does A Carburetor Work?

Adults Physics
Air flows into the top of the carburetor from the car's air intake, passing through a filter that cleans it of debris..

What makes volcanoes erupt? - Steven Anderson

Adults Physics
Dig into the science of how new volcanoes form, and what causes their unpredictable eruptions.

Turbulent Flow is MORE Awesome Than Laminar Flow

Adults Physics
Everyone loves laminar flow but turbulent flow is the real MVP.

GOING SUPERSONIC with U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds!

Adults Physics
The reason it took so long to release is the high amount of research I wanted to do before releasing the video.

This equation will change how you see the world

Adults Physics
The logistic map connects fluid convection, neuron firing, the Mandelbrot set and so much more.