
Pomegranate Wild Rice Salad

Whisk dressing ingredients together in a small bowl, set aside until ready to use...

Why do some people have seasonal allergies?

Ah, spring. Grass growing, flowers blooming, trees budding. For those with allergies, though, this explosion of new life probably inspires more dread than joy. So what's behind this annual onslaught of mucus? Eleanor Nelsen explains what happens when your immune system goes rogue.

Is Makeup Bad For You?

Should you be using makeup?

The reason you feel awful when you're sick

It starts with a tickle in your throat that becomes a cough. Your muscles begin to ache, you grow irritable, and you lose your appetite. It's official: you've got the flu. It's logical to assume that this miserable medley of symptoms is the result of the infection coursing through your body - but is that really the case? Marco A. Sotomayor explains what's actually making you feel sick.

Organic or Non-Organic Taste Test

Can we tell the difference between organic and non-organic foods?

How do glasses help us see?

Today, glasses help millions of people with poor vision be able to see clearly. But how? Andrew Bastawrous and Clare Gilbert help unravel the answer by explaining refraction - the ability of a transparent medium, like glass, water, or the eye, to change the direction of light passing through it.

The power of the placebo effect

The placebo effect is an unexplained phenomenon wherein drugs, treatments, and therapies that aren't supposed to have an effect - and are often fake - miraculously make people feel better. What's going on? Emma Bryce dives into the mystery of placebos' bizarre benefits.

Is It Safe To Re-Heat Takeaways?

Should you be re-heating leftover takeaway, is it actually safe to? Michael Mosley explains and gives you some pretty hot tips to look out for.

What would happen if you didn't drink water?

Water is essentially everywhere in our world, and the average human is composed of between 55 and 60% water. So what role does water play in our bodies, and how much do we actually need to drink to stay healthy? Mia Nacamulli details the health benefits of hydration.

How stress affects your brain

AdultsHealthMental HealthScience
Stress isn't always a bad thing; it can be handy for a burst of extra energy and focus, like when you're playing a competitive sport or have to speak in public. But when it's continuous, it actually begins to change your brain. Madhumita Murgia shows how chronic stress can affect brain size, its structure, and how it functions, right down to the level of your genes.

Edible Cutlery

AdultsEnvironmentGlobal WarmingHealth...
India is one of the world's largest consumers of disposable plastic cutlery, which has the makings of a huge health and environmental crisis written all over it.

Is radiation dangerous?

When we hear the word radiation, it's tempting to picture huge explosions and frightening mutations. But that's not the full story - radiation also applies to rainbows and a doctor examining an X-ray. So what is it, really, and how much should we worry about its effects? Matt Anticole describes the different types of radiation.

Why sitting is bad for you

Sitting down for brief periods can help us recover from stress or recuperate from exercise. But nowadays, our lifestyles make us sit much more than we move around. Are our bodies built for such a sedentary existence?

Aubergine Daal & Homemade Chapattis

Enjoy a really easy and delicious meat-free feast with this spicy aubergine daal & homemade chapatti recipe. A simple split pea daal served with oven roasted curried vegetables and finished with a spicy chilli oil scooped up in a light wholemeal chapatti. The perfect easy feast to satisfy the very hungriest in your clan.

A simple way to break a bad habit | Judson Brewer

Can we break bad habits by being more curious about them? Psychiatrist Judson Brewer studies the relationship between mindfulness and addiction - from smoking to overeating to all those other things we do even though we know they're bad for us. Learn more about the mechanism of habit development and discover a simple but profound tactic that might help you beat your next urge to smoke, snack or check a text while driving.

Oven-Fried Chicken | Jamie Oliver

This southern style crispy chicken has all the hallmarks of a fast food treat but with fewer calories and a lot less fat. Instead of deep frying Jamie oven bakes the chicken creating the perfect crispy coating with rosemary spiked breadcrumbs. Served alongside sticky sweet potato wedges, chargrilled sweetcorn and a rainbow slaw this fast food feast is a sure fire winner.

Exercise vs Diet

Which is more significant for losing weight?

The benefits of a good night's sleep

It's 4am, and the big test is in 8 hours. You've been studying for days, but you still don't feel ready. Should you drink another cup of coffee and spend the next few hours cramming? Or should you go to sleep? Shai Marcu defends the latter option, showing how sleep restructures your brain in a way that's crucial for how our memory works.

What If You Only Drank Soda?

The effect that pop has on your body!

Healthy Chicken & Vegetable Soup

Rumoured to have cured a youthful KerryAnn, this healthy chicken & veg soup should be a staple of your repetoir in the kitchen. It's a crowd pleaser across the whole family and packs in those veggies without the kids even really noticing, so everyone is a winner! Delicious.

Healthy Chicken Caesar Salad | Jamie Oliver

Jamie's chicken caesar salad is lighter, fresher and half the calories of a regular caesar salad while still high on flavour. Replacing the mayo sauce with a quality yogurt dressing slashes the saturated fat content and using skinless chicken breasts sprinkled with rosemary keeps the dish lean. Finish with a grating of parmesan and tuck in.