
Upcoming: Ruggie - The Worlds Best Alarm Clock

Humans will never stop inventing new ways to actually get people out of bed.

Healthy Black Bean Soup

Kick-start a healthy new year with Jamie's spicy and colourful Black Bean Soup recipe inspired by his recent travels to Costa Rica. Black beans have the highest protein content so not only is this dish delicious it's good for you too. The chilli and herbs add a beautiful depth of flavour while the eggs softly poached in the soup add a creaminess and a vibrant colour. Serve with a fresh salsa and tortillas. Filling, tasty and full of sunshine.

How Long Will You Live?

Cell biology gives clues to why we age and lobsters don't.

Oversalting Our Food?

We're Oversalting Our Food, And It's Not What You Think

The 10,000 Calorie Sumo Wrestler Diet: FUEL

MUNCHIES introduces FUEL, a new series dedicated to the high performance diets of athletes. We follow Byamba, current world sumo champion, through his average day of consuming 10,000 calories. In and out of the dojo, Byamba shows us how to shop, cook, and eat chankonabe- a Japanese stew eaten by sumo wrestlers to pack on the pounds. Itadakimasu!

What causes motion sickness?

A weekly show where we endeavor to answer one of your big questions. This week, Craig asks, "What causes motion sickness?"

Bionic Leg Closely Mimics Natural Body Movements

MIT Media Lab's Hugh Herr explains how he looks to nature when developing new bionic appendages. The amputee and avid rock climber discusses how his biomechatronics division is pioneering the technologies that aim to augment human physical capabilities.

Healthy Jam Jar Salads

For a quick and portable healthy lunch on the go, get creative with Jamie's Jam Jar Salad principle. Perfect for using up leftovers and getting a perfectly balanced meal every day and this British inspired example comes in at under 600 calories! Plump pearl barley, succulent beef, watercress and apple in a horseradish dressing - this salad offers deliciousness with every bite.

Can You Be Scared To Death?

Is it possible to be scared to death?

Why Do We Cry?

Why does your face leak when you're sad or emotional?

GoPro: BASE Jumping Alone with Neil Amonson

GoPro Athlete, Neil Amonson, travels to Germany to find solitude in his craft. Amonson says, "To actually experience all the things I'm feeling, I have to do it alone." Get a look into the incredible experience Neil goes through as he sets out to accomplish this solo BASE jump.

Why Do We Have To Sleep?

Why do we sleep? We spend a third of our lives in slumber, but science has yet to determine exactly why we have do it. Here's a look at how sleep works, why we're not getting enough sleep, what happens if you DON'T sleep, and an idea about where sleep came from in the first place.

100 Calorie Poppadom Snacks | Jamie Oliver

Straight out of Jamie's Everyday Super Food book these four delicious and nutritious snacks will satisfy your hunger at just 100 calories each. Crispy poppadoms topped with cottage cheese and a selection of fresh fruit & veg, herbs and spices.

The benefits of good posture

Has anyone ever told you, "Stand up straight!" or scolded you for slouching at a family dinner? Comments like that might be annoying-but they're not wrong. Your posture is the foundation for every movement your body makes and can determine how well your body adapts to the stresses on it. Murat Dalkilinç gives the pros of good posture.

Cancer patient receives 3D printed ribs in world first surgery

A Spanish cancer patient has received a 3D printed titanium sternum and rib cage designed and manufactured right here in Australia.

Does Stretching/Warming Up Actually Help?

Could stretching negatively affect performance?

Can you be tired from sleeping too much?

A weekly show where we endeavor to answer one of your big questions. This week, Sarah F. asks, "Can you really be tired from sleeping too much?"

This Much Will Kill You

A lot of things can kill you - but here are some surprising ones!

What If You Stopped Eating?

What happens to your body without food?

This Is Not Natural

This episode was inspired by the work of James Kennedy.

This Is Your Body Over 24 Hours

Your body is amazing.