
Using Must for Obligation

Adults Smrt Live
Learn how English speakers use must to express important obligations. This lesson is for students at a pre-intermediate level.

How to Make Sentences with Must

Adults Smrt Live
Learn the rules for making English sentences with must. This lesson is for pre-intermediate students.

What are Modal Verbs?

Adults Smrt Live
Learn how English speakers use modal verbs to add meaning to a verb or sentence. This lesson is for pre-intermediate students.

How to Use the Present Perfect to Explain Now

Adults Smrt Live
Learn how English speakers use the present perfect simple to explain the present with finished, past actions. This lesson is for students at a pre-intermediate level.

The Form of the Present Perfect Simple

Adults Smrt Live
Learn how to make the present perfect simple, including the helping verb have, and past participle. This video is for students at a pre-intermediate level.

Review of Must, Have To, and Should

Adults Smrt Live
Review what you have studied about using must, have to, and should. This video is for students at a pre-intermediate level.

Past Actions = Present Results

Adults Smrt Live
Learn one reason for using the present perfect simple in English. This video is for students at a pre-intermediate level.

Present Perfect or Past Simple Part 2

Adults Smrt Live
Learn when to use the present perfect simple and when to use the past simple. This is part two in a two-part series. This video is for students at a pre-intermediate level.

Forming And Spelling Comparative Adjectives

Adults Smrt Live
Learn how to make and spell comparative adjectives correctly. This video is for students at a pre-intermediate level.

How to Write a Successful Persuasive, Opinion-based Academic Essay in English

Adults Smrt Live
This video is on how to write a successful persuasive, opinion-based academic essay in English. Students will learn how to structure and organize an opinion essay and will be given tips to make their essays successful.