
Wait... Is China Really the Leader in Green Energy?

Adults World
With plans to pull out of the Paris climate deal, the US is quickly falling behind in the race for clean energy. So who's winning?

What if the Earth were Hollow?

Adults World
What if there were a tunnel through the middle of the earth and you jumped in?

Thin underwater cables hold the internet. See a map of them all.

Adults World
Your internet isn't just underwater. It's also covered in Vaseline.

Amazing Images of a Changing Earth

Adults World
Incredible before-and-after satellite images of our dynamic planet.

The History and Future of Everything -- Time

Adults World
Time makes sense in small pieces. But when you look at huge stretches of time, it's almost impossible to wrap your head around things. So we teamed up with the awesome blog "Wait but Why" and made this video to help you putting things in perspective with some infographics!

Earth's Flag Is a Reminder That We're in This Together

Adults World
Earth has a flag... and its story will move you.

Earth's Magnetic Field Is Going To Flip, Here's How We Know

Adults World
Scientists are using clues from ancient artifacts to help them predict the future of the magnetic field.

Discovery VR - Japan

Adults World
From sushi to samurai, misty mountains to modern metropolises, and prayer ceremonies to pop concerts, explore the compelling contrasts of Japan in 360-degree video on Discovery VR.

The Ocean Holds Enough Uranium To Power The Planet For 10,000 Years

Adults World
Stanford University researchers have found a new way to extract particles of Uranium from seawater. Could this bring us closer to sustainable nuclear power?

GoPro: The 12-Year Old Record Breaking Mountain Climber - Tyler Armstrong

Adults World
Tyler Armstrong's dream is to climb the Seven Summits, the highest mountain on each continent, and at only 12 he has already summited Aconcagua, Mount Elbrus and Kilimanjaro. After being denied a permit to climb Mount Everest because of his age, he started preparing to climb Mount Denali to prove that he is able to conquer the world's most extreme terrain.

Images of Our Changing Earth

Adults World
Amazing before and after satellite images taken from the International Space Station show how quickly our dynamic, but fragile planet can change.

Top 10 Countries at Recycling

Adults World
The ten countries that recycle the highest proportion of their municipal waste.

100,000,000 Years From Now

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It's Okay To Be Smart

Why Earth Is A Prison and How To Escape It

Adults World
We are trapped on earth. Controlled by an ancient debt to the universe...

What If We Have A Nuclear War?

Adults World
What would happen if a nuclear weapon was dropped near you?

How Big do Tsunamis Get?

Adults World
How big do Tsunamis Get? The answer is pretty terrifying, and pretty big.

Google Timelapse Walks You Through Decades of Change in Seconds

Adults World
Three decades of change in five seconds.

How To (Literally) Save Earth

Adults World
Farming erodes soil 50 times faster than it forms. We can change that, but will we?

What If All The Ice Melted?

Adults World
What If All The Ice Melted On Earth? ft. Bill Nye

How a single-celled organism almost wiped out life on Earth

Adults World
There's an organism that changed the world. It caused the first mass extinction in Earth's history

One Year on Earth

Adults World
On July 20, 2015, NASA released to the world the first image of the sunlit side of Earth captured by the space agency's EPIC camera on NOAA's DSCOVR satellite. The camera has now recorded a full year of life on Earth from its orbit at Lagrange point 1, approximately 1 million miles from Earth, where it is balanced between the gravity of our home planet and the sun.