The psychology of post-traumatic stress disorder
AdultsLifePsychologySocietyMany of us will experience some kind of trauma during our lifetime. Sometimes, we escape with no long-term effects. But for millions of people, those experiences linger, causing symptoms like flashbacks, nightmares, and negative thoughts that interfere with everyday life.
Are Rich People Worse Humans?
AdultsCulturePsychologySocietyIs money the reason Kanye West and Jake Paul are jerks?
How to spot a liar | Pamela Meyer
AdultsRelationshipsSocietyOn any given day we're lied to from 10 to 200 times, and the clues to detect those lie can be subtle and counter-intuitive.
The Threat of AI Weapons
AdultsSocietyTechnologyWorldI'm not sure how alarmed to be about artificial intelligence. Personally I think it's really hard to predict when we'll create a machine that essentially has consciousness.
Pink Shirt Day takes a stand against bullying
AdultsCultureRelationshipsSociety...Today thousands of people across Canada will be wearing bright pink shirts. Pink Shirt Day, initiated by Vancouver-based radio station CKNW, is a day where participants across the country wear pink to raise awareness about bullying.
Why We Pick Difficult Partners
AdultsPsychologyRelationshipsSocietyIn theory, we're nowadays allowed to get together with pretty much anyone we like. And yet, at a psychological level, we aren't free to love just any suitable person. We have a type - and strangely and awkwardly, these types are often not those who stand a chance of making us maximally happy.
Ugly history: The 1937 Haitian Massacre - Edward Paulino
AdultsHistoryLifeSociety...When historians talk about the atrocities of the 20th century, we often think of those that took place during and between the two World Wars. But two months before the Rape of Nanking in China, and a year before Kristallnacht in Germany, a horrific ethnic cleansing campaign occurred on an island between the Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea. Edward Paulino details the 1937 Haitian Massacre.
It's not you. Commuting is bad for your health.
AdultsHealthTransportationWork...My commute is like a second job, and it might be killing me.
I Got Popular...And It Changed Me
AdultsSelfSocietyMental Health...Isaiah had never been cool or popular. He was known as strange, the weird kid - the weirdo - and he stuck to himself. The mean girls and popular kids didn't help his shyness, really hurt his self-esteem, and so, after middle school, he was determined to make high school different.
Why Do You Love Your Family?
AdultsFamilyHumanSociety...Why do we love people we're related to? Compared to strangers, why do we feel such a deep sense of connection with our family members? Sure, they're nice to us, we take care of each other, and we often live with them, but there has to be a deeper biological reason. That reason, unsurprisingly is evolution. In this video, I explain why taking care of our family, or even dying for them, makes sense in the eyes of evolution.
What Is It Like To Be Deaf?
AdultsDisabilityHealthSocietyDeafness is not a one size fits all, but what are some things Deaf people might experience?