
How to Make Mushroom Stroganoff

This is a cracking little recipe from Jamie's brand new book VEG, which is definitely not just for vegetarians it's one for the meat eaters as well. The creamy, spiced Stroganoff is so tasty the you really aren't going to miss the meat!!

How to Make Scrambled Eggs | Buddy Oliver

We spy a mini Jamie in the making!! Jamie's got Buddy back in the kitchen to show us his way of making perfect scrambled eggs. So quick so simple and a brilliant one to start the kids off cooking!

Tasty's Classic 4 Meals Anyone Can Make Tonight • Tasty

Anyone can make these classic 4 meals!

Quick Cheese Omelette Baguette VR180 | Jamie Oliver

Get up close and personal with Jamie in this amazing VR180 video. Pop your VR goggles on and you will feel like you are in the kitchen as he makes an oozy omelette with spicy tomato salsa, all brought together in a gorgeous baguette.

My New Book VEG

Jamie’s new book is out, and it’s fair to say he’s pretty excited!

Orange Chicken Kabobs With Fried Sticky Rice Balls

The official YouTube channel of all things Tasty, the world's largest food network. From recipes, world-class talent, and top-of-the-line cookware, we help connect food lovers in every way they interact with food.

Meatballs | Jamie Oliver | 20 Years of The Naked Chef

To celebrate 20 years since The Naked Chef, we asked you guys which recipe from Jamie’s first book he should recreate, and the stand out winner was meatballs!

Gordon Ramsay Learns to Spearfish | Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted

Gordon Ramsay is in Maui learning to spearfish with freediver Kimi Werner.


MAC AND CHEESE, the ultimate, MAC AND CHEESE! Oh my. Oh my. We ain’t playing around with this one, this is a classic. An indulgent and heavenly treat. If you mac, you mac.

Highland Mussels | Jamie Oliver | Jamie’s Great Britain

Back with Jamie’s Britain and in this clip we watch Jamie make up super delicious smokey mussels in the Highlands of Scotland by a loch.

9 Crunchy And Delicious Potato Snacks

Try these 9 delicious potato snacks!

Handmade Vs. Machine-Made Pasta And Meatballs

Handmade versus machine-made pasta. Is one really easier than the other and can you taste the difference?

Ultimate Pork Belly

This is one of those recipes you just need to bookmark and come back to again and again! If you are a meat eater, then this is one of those utterly impressive recipes to have in the repertoire! Look at those juices! Look at that crackling!

How a Fish Saved the Vikings

The Vikings suffered many hardships living in the north of Europe: long, cold winters and importantly a lack of sunlight. Luckily, they had cod.

Carbonara & Tunes | Jamie Oliver & Tom Walker

In the final part of the mini series with Tom Walker, Jamie couldn’t resist cooking up one of his, and the audiences favourite dishes - authentic Italian Carbonara! But in exchange Tom offered up a brilliant and exclusive song, just for you guys!

Primitive Technology

Primitive Technology: Polynesian Arrowroot Flour

Spicy Chicken Wings | Jamie Oliver & Tom Walker

The bromance has been brewing between Tom Walker and Jamie on social media for a little while now. Jamie’s family are even sketched into Tom’s album artwork, albeit very small!

Upside Down One Pan Pizza

This pizza recipe will turn your world upside down AND you only need one pan! Share with your pizza lovers

45 second Omelette | Jamie Oliver

This is so quick so simple you have to give it a try.

Everything About Grain Bins (Farmers are Geniuses) - Smarter Every Day

Farmers are actual real life geniuses. They can feed themselves and fix anything. Serious respect.

This Country Has Something Everyone Else Wants

Thanks to the University of Minnesota for sponsoring this video! Morocco has 3/4 of the world’s known reserves of rock phosphate, our main source of phosphorus, so Morocco may be key to our long-term ability to grow food.