Primitive Technology: One-Way Blower Iron Smelt & Forging Experiment
Adults Construction Creativity NatureI tested the one-way spinning blower in an iron smelt and it is more effective than the previous both way spinning blower.
The Giant Waterlily Is Vicious!
Youth Ecology Environment NatureDiscover the world of the giant waterlily.
The Unique Bond Between Humans and Dogs | Wonderful World of Puppies | BBC Earth
Adults Animals Human RelationshipsNewborn puppies express their emotions through various tummy grunts and whines, creating a unique bond with their owner.
How This Guy Runs a 5 and a Half Minute Mile...Backwards | WIRED
Adults Creativity Human LifeEver tried running backwards? Meet Aaron Yoder, one of the world's fastest backward runners who can complete a reverse mile in five and a half minutes.
Odysseus Spacecraft Lands On The Moon
Youth Future Space TechnologyOn Thursday evening, the Odysseus spacecraft landed on the Moon. It's the first time a US spacecraft has landed on the Moon in 50 years.
Why Are All Humans Unique? Meiosis: Crash Course Biology
Adults Biology Human ScienceEver wonder why we aren’t exact clones of our parents, or why siblings aren’t exactly alike? The reason traces back to meiosis. In this episode of Crash Course Biology, we’ll discover how egg and sperm cells get made and learn why you’re a totally unique remix of your parents’ DNA.
Why Steve-O risked his life over, and over, and over again
Adults Health Human PsychologyYou know Steve-O. Now meet Steve Glover, as the professional stuntman talks to us about pain, insecurity, and never finding contentment.
Benito The Giraffe
Kids Animals Environment HealthBenito the giraffe went on quite a journey across Mexico, from Central Park in Ciudad Juárez to Africam Safari Park in Puebla.
Why Are Hermit Crabs Living In Trash?
Youth Animals Environment How-toIt turns out, people are taking too many shells from the beaches, so crabs have to find beach trash to use instead.