
What are the Effects of Tablets and Smartphones on Babies’ Brains?

Often we concentrate on showing the negative effective of new technologies on the development of babies, but could tablets, smartphones and other touchscreen devices help improve their motor skills?

What If You Only Ate Chips?

What if you only consumed potatoes forever?

Could You Survive Trapped In A Blizzard?

We are LIFE NOGGIN! An animated and educational web show designed to teach you all about your awesome life and the brain that makes you able to live it!

Smoking vs Juuling

Juuling and smoking both contain nicotine, but is one healthier?

Can We Get Older Without Aging?

Nothing is guaranteed in life except death, taxes, and entropy. What do other life forms have to teach us about staying alive as we get old, and will we ever conquer death?

Why Are Fewer People Getting Appendicitis?

There are many other unforeseen health changes that seem to be related to the forces of modernization, like the increase in rates of diabetes, Crohn’s disease, and ADHD.

Why is meningitis so dangerous?

In 1987, thousands of people gathered in Saudi Arabia for the annual Hajj pilgrimage. But what started out as a celebration led to a worldwide health crisis: more than 2,000 cases of meningitis broke out, spreading across Saudi Arabia and the rest of the world.

This Rare Mutation Gives You Massive Muscles At Birth

This RARE mutation can make you VERY muscular, but what exactly is happening to cause this? Is it harmful?

How rollercoasters affect your body - Brian D. Avery

In 1895, crowds flooded Coney Island to see America’s first-ever looping coaster: the Flip Flap Railway. But its thrilling flip caused cases of severe whiplash, neck injury and even ejections.

Is This Everyday Substance More Addictive Than Cocaine?

It's in a surprising amount of foods you eat everyday but just how bad is it actually for the human body?

Why Meat is the Best Worst Thing in the World

Meat is a complicated issue. But also a delicious one. Let's talk about it.

What If You Only Took Naps?

Just what exactly would happen to your body if instead of sleeping you decided to only take naps. - Thanks to LastPass for sponsoring this video!

Should You Hover Or Cover The Toilet Seat?

Is the toilet seat really all that dirty or dangerous?

Is Height All In Our Genes?

I'm tall. Most of the people in my family are tall. Does that mean my son will be tall? Turns out the inheritance of height is a lot more complicated than we thought.

This Rare Syndrome Essentially Turns You To Stone

Stone Man Syndrome and Tree Man Syndrome are rare genetic disorders that transform your body from the inside out.

Will You Still Eat Raw Fish After Watching This Video?

Have you ever noticed that warning about raw or undercooked seafood at the bottom of restaurant menus? Ever wondered why it's there?

What If You Never Washed Your Hands?

Do we need to wash our hands all the time?

How UV Causes Cancer and Aging

UV at ground level is non-ionizing but it damages DNA and causes photoaging - how?

What Happens If You Eat Radioactive Food?

You wouldn't eat nuclear waste but some foods are radioactive without you knowing it. What does radiation poisoning do to your body?

Should You Wear Goku's Weighted Clothes?

Goku is able to achieve great power levels through his intense training with weighted clothes, but should you? Kyle weighs the risks on this week's Because Science!

Is Our Food Becoming Less Nutritious?

The nutrient content of food is declining. Is it because of soil depletion, selective breeding, or... something else?