
How Close Are We to Curing HIV/AIDS?

Current drug therapies mean it's possible to live a normal life span with HIV, but that's expensive and not a long term solution. What we really need is an HIV vaccine and a cure. So, how close are we?

How Emotionally Healthy Are You?

AdultsHealthMental Health
"One way to start assessing how badly we have been knocked by our early years - and where we might therefore need to direct most of our repair work and attention - is to identify a range of markers of emotional health and imagine how we fare in relation to them. At least four central ones suggest themselves..."

Why do you need to get a flu shot every year? - Melvin Sanicas

All year long, researchers at hospitals around the world collect samples from flu patients and send them to top virology experts with one goal: to design the vaccine for the next flu season. But why do we need a new one every year? Vaccines for diseases like mumps and polio offer a lifetime of protection with two shots early in life; what's so special about the flu? Melvin Sanicas explains.

How Drug Companies Make You Buy More Medicine Than You Need

They make eye drops too big -- and make you pay for the waste. This is our first installment in our collaboration with ProPublica.

Should You Eat Every Day?

An intermittent fasting diet is one of the hippest new nutrition and fitness philosophies, based around the idea that going hungry can be good for your health.

What Would Happen If You Never Brushed Your Teeth?

Besides bad breath, there are some SERIOUS consequences if you don't brush your teeth!

How to Cure Aging - During Your Lifetime?

What if we could stop aging forever?

Why is it so hard to cure cancer? - Kyuson Yun

We've harnessed electricity, sequenced the human genome, and eradicated smallpox. But after billions of dollars in research, we haven't found a solution for a disease that affects more than 14 million people and their families at any given time. Why is it so difficult to cure cancer? Kyuson Yun explains the challenges.

One Shot Could Provide All the Vaccines You'll Ever Need

Hate needles? Researchers may have found a way to combine all the vaccines you'll ever need into a single shot. Here's how it works.

6 scientific tricks for falling asleep

Can't sleep? Don't just lie there in bed and stress about it. These tricks will have you snoozing in no time.

We Try To Eat Like Michael Phelps For A Day

Grits are better with syrup in them!

This New Pill Could Cure Peanut Allergies

A new study might've found a possible cure for peanut allergies. How does it work?

Stop doing crunches and sit-ups - do planks and leg raises instead

Heather Milton, a senior exercise physiologist at NYU Langone Health, does not recommend sit-ups or crunches for building your core because they put your spine through unnecessary stress.

Why China is putting robots in nursing homes

China has more than 230 million senior citizens. To keep them company, it's encouraging nursing homes to buy companionship robots.

Why We Eat Too Much

We're hugely invested in the idea that the cause of obesity lies with diet - and that we should therefore solve the problem with kale and apple soup (and other such products). But the real cause of obesity has nothing to do with food. It lies in our emotional under-nourishment. We will start to eat less when we feel more connected, more understood and more in touch with our feelings.

This Biomimetic Tech Could Mean Fewer Trips to the Dentist (You're Welcome)

A new material inspired by mussels may be the key to fillings and crowns that never break or fall out.

Dog Retirement Home | Silver Muzzle Cottage // 60 Second Docs

In Elk Rapids, Kim Skarritt runs the Silver Muzzle Cottage, Michigan's only dog hospice. Many of the dogs there were lifelong pets who've since been abandoned. So far, she's taken in 93 rescue dogs, some even near death. Despite their circumstances, her team works overtime to make up the love and care these dogs deserve. And once a week, the canines visit human seniors in their own retirement home -- sharing yet more unconditional love with another community that needs more of it.

What makes muscles grow? - Jeffrey Siegel

We have over 600 muscles in our bodies that help bind us together, hold us up, and help us move. Your muscles also need your constant attention, because the way you treat them on a daily basis determines whether they will wither or grow. Jeffrey Siegel illustrates how a good mix of sleep, nutrition and exercise keep your muscles as big and strong as possible.

What it takes to run the gnarliest race in the world | Ryan Sandes' Dedicate

Ryan Sandes shocked the running world when he won the 2017 Western States 100 - this is what it took to win one of the gnarliest races in the world.

How Far Would You Go To Save A Child's Life? | Amazing Humans

When he was aged just nine years old, Lewis was gravely ill and in desperate need of a kidney transplant. His mum Su, didn't hesitate to donate one of hers. Eight years later, Lewis is competing at the Transplant Games in Lanarkshire, determined to win a gold medal for his mum.

Lab-Grown Mosquitoes Are Being Released by the Millions, Here's What You Need to Know

Mosquitoes kill more people annually than any other animal on earth. But several research companies are looking to tame this issue.