This is a general introduction to the third part of the speaking test. It tells you what to expect and how best to prepare for and the examiner’s questions.

What happens in this part of the test?

In this part of the test the examiner will ask you more questions connected to the topic you have just spoken about. These questions will encourage you to talk about the topic in a more general and abstract way, and in greater depth if you can. This part of the test lasts about 4 - 5 minutes.

What am I being tested on?

This part of the test focuses on your ability to express and justify opinions and to analyse, discuss and speculate about issues.

What do I have to do?

Listen carefully to the examiner’s questions and answer them as fully as possible.

How should I approach this part of the test?

The examiner is listening for fluent, natural speech, and use of an appropriate range of vocabulary.

You can practice for this part of the test by practicing:

  • How to respond to different types of question and identify what you are being asked to do.
  • You may be asked to explain, suggest, compare, predict or speculate about the future, agree or disagree about something etc.
  • The examiner will be listening for a range of vocabulary, so learn and practice different ways of introducing your points.


Now listen to the this recording of a candidate answering the Part 3 task.

Speaking Part 3

  • How do you think they could improve their answers?
  • Look at the transcript and carefully read the examiner’s questions. What kind of information do you think they expected the candidate to give?

