This is to give you practice answering questions during the extended talk (Part 2) of the Speaking Test.


Prepare a talk. Approach the task this way:

  • Read the task carefully to make sure you fully understand the topic and the three points.
  • Make a note of the key words.
  • Decide whether you will need to talk about the past, the present or the future.
  • Make a note of at least two key ideas for each of the three points in the task.
  • Draw upon your own experience. Don’t be afraid to say how you feel about something.
  • Make a note of any key vocabulary that you could use.

Make notes for your talk. Don’t spend too much time on this, only a minute or two.
Give your talk to your partner. Your partner should listen carefully and take notes of what you say.
After the talk compare your notes with your partner’s. You can use the checklist in the Lesson Documents. Did you cover everything in your notes? Did your partner hear and understand all the main points of your talk?


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