How Do Ice Storms Happen?
KidsEnvironmentKids 110Kids 115...CBC Kids News contributor Aerin Murphy explains how ice storms form and what happens when they do.
The Rainiest Place On Earth
AdultsScienceWeatherEnvironment...Huge thanks to Okouchi-San and Dr. Sakai and everyone at NIED and the Large Scale Rainfall Simulator for their time, expertise and access to this amazing facility.
KidsEnvironmentWeatherWorld...If you think it's cold outside where you are, you should try living in the coldest place on Earth: Antarctica! Learn why it's a desert even though it's very cold, and about awesome animals like seals and penguins.
Rescuing A Chicken In A Snowstorm
KidsAnimalsHealthRelationships...David had been a weatherman for a long time, but this was the first time he had seen a chicken lost in a snowstorm.
The Science Of Snowflakes
YouthEnvironmentScienceWeather...Join us for a festive deep dive into the wonderful world of snowflakes voiced by Professor Brian Cox.