
The Ancestor Paradox

There are several ways to think about ancestry, and all of them suggest you have fewer unique ancestors than you might think.

How Community-Led Research Drives Social Change | Monica Malta | TED

What's the best way to develop and implement solutions to social problems?

Presidential Historian Answers Presidency Questions | Tech Support | WIRED

AdultsEducationHistoryInternet Culture...
Presidential historian and head of the George Washington Presidential Library Lindsay Chervinsky joins WIRED to answer the internet's burning questions about the American Presidency.

The Radium Worked Until His Jaw Fell Off

We'd like to thank Luciteria for the loan of the element samples and the display in today’s episode.

Why Miners Are Flocking Back to This Abandoned Mine

There's a town in northern Mexico called Ojuela that's got a rich history of valuable mining industry, but nowadays is largely deserted.

Martin Luther King

Martin Luther King Jr is one of the most famous civil rights leaders in the world. Nina has more on his life and lasting legacy.

Is The World Getting More Violent?

Ten years ago, in 2014, we released a video titled "Is War Over?". Back then, the question didn’t seem so naive. It seemed violent conflict was on the decline and the world more peaceful than ever.

What Actually Happened To Amelia Earhart?

The mistakes of Amelia Earhart’s final flight, and the physics that could have saved her.

What The Ig Nobel Prize Says About Us

The Ig Nobel Prize may not come with the prestige of a Nobel, but it celebrates some weird and wonderful science. Here are the most fascinating Ig Nobel Prize-winning studies about people.

The Most Insane Weapon You Never Heard About

At the height of the Cold War, a terrifying concept emerged: a bomb so powerful it wouldn’t need to be dropped.

The Most Important Material Ever Made

Glass is one of the most important materials humans have ever made.

Can you solve the trickster god riddle? - Alex Rosenthal

Loki has challenged you to a winner-take-all game to end Ragnarok. Can you beat him and win the right to rule the new world?

Tsunami: Race Against Time (Full Episode) | The Big One | National Geographic

A massive earthquake off the Indonesian coast generates a huge tsunami. It makes landfall within minutes. Caught unaware, people fight to survive.

How to Defend Democracy — and Fight Autocracy | Leopoldo Lopez | TED

Seventy-two percent of the world's population lives under some sort of autocratic rule, says freedom fighter Leopoldo Lopez.

Historian Answers Witchcraft Questions | Tech Support | WIRED

Historian Mikki Brock joins WIRED to answer the internet's bubbling cauldron of questions about witches, witchcraft, and witch hunting through the ages.

Vincent Van Gogh: My Story

Do you know Vincent van Gogh's story? It's a story of a misunderstood, stubborn man who wouldn't give up. A story about needing to do what you're good at.

The real reason polio is so dangerous

Explore what makes polio so dangerous, what is causing the 21st century resurgence of cases, and how we can eradicate the disease.

Humanity's Greatest Journey

It’s finally time to reveal the 12,025 Human Era Calendar! This is more than just a way to mark the days – it’s our chance to share something with you all which is truly one-of-a-kind, a piece of art that will inspire you for an entire year and beyond.

We Only Discovered This 10 Years Ago

Most living things on Earth need oxygen to survive, but scientists discovered a species of bacteria that uses oxygen totally differently from every other organism on Earth.

Road To Reconciliation

They are ways that experts say could help us on the road to reconciliation in Canada, healing the relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people.

Historian Answers Wild West Questions | Tech Support | WIRED

Historian Mark Lee Gardner joins WIRED to answer the internet's burning questions about the Wild West era.