man and woman meeting

A: Whose phone is this?

B: It isn't mine.

Possessive Adjectives

Possessive adjectives are not pronouns, but they are important to learn before studying Possessive Pronouns below. Possessive Adjectives are used before nouns to identify the owner of something:

  • my + noun
  • your + noun
  • his + noun
  • her + noun
  • its + noun
  • our + noun
  • their + noun

What is your name?

Jeff gave me his phone number.

I can't use my computer because its keyboard is broken.

Our classroom isn't very big.

Of & 's

Possessive adjectives are similar to using 's with nouns to show possession:

  • Jeff's phone number = his phone number
  • My computer's keyboard = its keyboard
  • Jennifer's apartment = her apartment
  • Steve and Pat's teacher = their teacher

We can also show possession with of:

  • The door of the classroom is open.
    • The classroom's door is open.
  • The flag of Canada is red and white.
    • Canada's flag is red and white.
  • The price of the shirt is $30.
    • The shirt's price is $30.

Using of to show possession is not common when talking about people:

  • The brother of Jennifer is nice.
    • Jennifer's brother is nice.
  • The house of Phil and Margaret is big.
    • Phil and Margaret's house is big.
  • The cat of Samantha is cute.
    • Samantha's cat is cute.

Possessive Pronouns

Possessive pronouns have the same meaning as a possessive adjective + noun:

  • my + noun = mine
  • your + noun = yours
  • his + noun = his
  • her + noun = hers
  • our + noun = ours
  • their + noun = theirs
  • This is not your phone. It is mine. (my phone)
  • I don't have a pencil. May I borrow yours? (your pencil)
  • Jenny ate my dinner, and I ate hers. (her dinner)

Be careful! "His" is a possessive adjective, but it is also a possessive pronoun. This means "his" can be used with or without a noun:

Where's Paul? This is his jacket.


Where's Paul? This is his.

Notice the differences between subject pronouns, object pronouns, and possessive adjectives:

Subject Pronouns Object Pronouns Possessive Adjectives Possessive Pronouns
I me my mine
you you your yours
he him his his
she her her hers
it it its -
we us our ours
they them their theirs


Whose is used to ask about possession. It can be used with or without nouns:

Whose / Whose car is that?

(Is it your car? Is it Jeff's car? Is it Michelle's car?)

  • It's Jeff's.

Whose / Whose money is this?

Is it my money (mine)? Is it your money (yours)?

  • It is mine.


Open the exercise to begin the activity. Follow the instructions in the document.

