Let's meet at the bus stop on Georgia Street.


in a room
in a city
in a car
in Australia
in a box
in the sky
in the world
in the ocean

In + the Middle (of)

in the middle


at a bus stop
at the table
at her desk
at the intersection
at the door
at the window
at the stop sign
at the traffic lights

At + the Top / Bottom (of)

at the top of the building
at the bottom of the building

At + the Front / Back (of)

at the front of the bus
at the back of the bus

At + Address

  • at 329 Georgia Street
  • at 2190 Scott Road, Vancouver, BC
  • at 2887 Wilson Drive, Boston, MA

In or At

at / in the station
at / in the airport
at / in my house
at / in a coffee shop
at / in the hotel
at / in the store
at / in the school
at / in the restaurant

To Vs. In / At

To, not in or at, is used with verbs of movement (go, fly, walk, etc.).

Use in or at with verbs that don't describe movement (be, stay, etc.):

John moved to Canada five years ago.
Now, he lives in Canada.
Susan and Toby went to a store.
They bought some clothes at / in the store.
Steve is going to a restaurant.
He is at / in the restaurant with his girlfriend.


on the table
on the floor
on the ground
on my head
on the wall
on the second floor
on the ceiling
on the door

On + Vehicles

  • on a bicycle
  • on a bus
  • on a train
  • on a motorcycle
  • on a skateboard
  • on in a car / taxi

On + Street / Road / Avenue

  • on Georgia Street
  • on the highway
  • on Scott Road
  • on Wilson Drive
  • on 22nd Avenue

Other Prepositions of Place



beside / next to / by

under / below


in front of


Open the exercise to begin the activity. Follow the instructions in the document.

