In English, there are four different kinds of sentences. In Units 5 and 6, you learned about simple and compound sentences. In this unit, you will learn the third type: complex sentences.

First, look at the clauses below. How can you finish these sentences?

  • When I get together with my friends
  • Although my job is difficult
  • Because I didn't have any money

On their own, these ideas are incomplete and need more information to make sense. These are called dependent clauses.

What is a Dependent Clause?

A dependent clause is a group of words with a subject and verb but is not a complete idea.

Dependent clauses need an independent clause in order to be complete.

Here are some common words that start a dependent clause:

  • when
  • while
  • before
  • as soon as
  • after
  • until
  • since
  • because
  • although
  • if

What is a Complex Sentence?

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