Objectives & Sequence: This lesson is intended to be used as a review of Grammar 8-1.
Students work in pairs and open the corresponding pages below.
On each page, students are presented with ten sentences that describe present situations. Students need to describe these situations another way using the Present Perfect tense. Partners listen and based on what their partners told them, need to guess what is written on their partner's page. Guesses do not need to be exactly correct as long as they convey a similar meaning.

Leanne has gone to sleep.
Leanne's sleeping.

- There's a lot of pooling on the runway.
- My GPS computer is off.
- Peter is now in Brazil.
- It's poor visibility.
- She knows your flying habits.
- You can't find your VOR frequency.
- The cockpit door is open.
- Chris is still flying.
- I have many cells on my radar.
- Suzanne isn't here to monitor anymore.
- Tim has a new aircraft.
- I don't have a GPS anymore.
- The landing gear lights are now green.
- There is interference on my frequency.
- My headphones aren't working / My headphones are broken.
- The lightgun is red.
- She isn't flying anymore / She is retired.
- There are no DF's in our FIR anymore.
- Glide Slope is ready.
- The airplane is in the air.