
Popsicle Stick Christmas Tree

Snack Pack Pegs

  1. Wooden clothing pegs
  2. Googly eyes
  3. Pipe cleaners
  4. Markers or paint
  5. Small ziploc bags
  6. Snacks


Step 1

Step #1

Give each child a clothing peg to decorate.

Step 2

Step #2

Have them colour or paint the pegs.

Step 3

Step #3

Add googly eyes with glue, and leave them to dry. You can add a smile under the eyes using a marker, if you wish.

Step 4

Step #4

Place snacks into a Ziploc bag and seal making sure all the air is out of the pack. (I’ve used pompoms to represent snacks here).

Step 5

Step #5

Gather the middle of the bag and hold together with a pipe cleaner. The pipe cleaner acts as the antennae.

Step 6

Step #6

Place the peg in the middle to make your butterfly.

Once the children are ready for their snack they can remove the peg and dig in.
