In Media 3-1, we are going to look at global affairs and lifestyle magazine, Monocle's 2014 Quality Of Life Survey.

The survey is conducted annually and ranks the 25 most liveable cities in the world.  

Part One

Discuss with a partner or group answers to the following questions:

  • In your opinion, how should quality of living be determined?  Ie - what kinds of things should be taken into account?
  • What sorts of things would cause a city to receive a poor rating in such a survey?
  • Which country would you assume has the most cities with a high quality of living?  What about continent?
  • In your opinion, which five cities would you consider to have a high quality of living?  Which five cities would be at the bottom of your list?

Part Two

With a partner or group, ensure your understanding of the meaning and usage of the following vocabulary:

Part Three


Open the exercise. Work with a partner to answer the questions. You will need to watch the video to answer the questions.

Quality of life cities

Monocle takes a cinematic look at the top cities in our 2014 Quality of Life Survey.

Quality of life cities

Monocle takes a cinematic look at the top cities in our 2014 Quality of Life Survey.

Part Four

Look at Monocle's list of criteria below. With a partner or group, rate your city (where you are from or where you live - your choice!) on a scale of 1 (bad) to 5 (good) according to the criteria listed. How could your city improve its ranking?

  • Safety / crime
  • International connectivity
  • Climate / sunshine
  • Quality of architecture
  • Public transportation
  • Tolerance
  • Environmental issues
  • Access to nature
  • Urban design
  • Business conditions
  • Pro-active policy developments
  • Medical care