
Part One: Warm Up

Discuss the following questions with your partner(s).

  1. When was the last time that you celebrated something? What were you celebrating? What did you do? Who with?
  2. Imagine that the following events happened to you. How would you celebrate? Who would you invite?
    • you got a big promotion at work
    • you and your partner just got engaged
    • you graduated from university

Part Two: Vocabulary / Reading

In this lesson, you will see the following vocabulary.

Open the exercise and follow the instructions.

Part Three: Taking it Further

Work in groups of two or three. Plan an event to celebrate something. While planning, make sure that you answer the questions below. Use the Internet to research ideas and real locations. Make notes of your ideas.

  1. What are you celebrating?
  2. What kind of event?
  3. Where?
  4. What day / time?
  5. What activities will you do?
  6. Will guests need to bring anything?

Present your plan to your classmates.

After all the groups have presented their plans, decide which event you would most like to go to and which event you would least like to go to and discuss with your group, giving reasons to support your opinions.

