Objectives & Sequence: This lesson is intended to be used as a review of Grammar - Have & Have Got.

Intro Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4

Students work in groups of three to four and open the corresponding pages.

On each page, students are presented with discussion questions they are to ask their groups. Each student in the group should answer the question. The questions require answers containing have or have got. Below each question is a suggested answer with which the student asking the question can use to help others formulate answers.

  1. What are you going to have for dinner tonight?
    • I'm having / going to have...
  2. Have you got any brothers or sisters?
    • No, I haven't.
    • Yes, I have a / I've got a...
  3. What have you got to do tonight?
    • I've got to...
  1. Have you got a car?
    • Yes, I have. I've got a .... / I have a ....
    • No, I haven't.
  2. What haven't you got that you really want?
    • I haven't got... / I don't have...
  3. Do you want to have children? If you already have children, do you want to have more?
    • Yes, I do.
    • No, I don't.
  1. Have you got many people in your family?
    • Yes, my family's got 9 people.
    • No, my family's only got 4 people.
  2. What do you have to do tomorrow?
    • I have to... / I've got to...
  3. Do you have a shower in the morning, at night, or both?
    • I have a shower in the morning / at night / both in the morning and at night.
  1. Have you got a wife, girlfriend, husband, or boyfriend?
    • Yes, I have.
    • No, I haven't.
  2. Have you got a big bedroom?
    • Yes, I have.
    • No, I haven't.
  3. Are you having a good day today?
    • Yes, I am.
    • No, I'm not.